Wednesday, June 19, 2013

TV Void and Cream Puff Temptation

It's come to my attention that I somehow managed to make it through adolescence without ever reading a book by Beverly Cleary.  I wonder how that happened?  She was born in 1916 so age can't be a factor.  I read a lot when I was younger, and it is rare now for me to read a book.  I was captivated by Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, and of course I can read pattern/craft books all day long.  I do remember reading Homer Price, which is listed on Cleary's Goodread page under "people who liked this book also liked....I was devoted to Marguerite Henry, Walter Farley and Albert Terhune.  After that I had a long streak of SciFi...A Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet, A Wrinkle in Time and Red Planet, are just a few titles that stick in my head. Perhaps that is why I am deficient in Beverly Cleary. 

There is a void on the the TV since Game of Thrones ended.  I'm a little over Dexter and True Blood but I will watch them until the end.  I had Asian Movie week and watched House of Flying Daggers, The Emperor and the Assassin, Hovering Blade, A Better Tomorrow  and Musa the Warrior.  I hope not to spoil these for anyone, but everyone dies, and and no one gets the girl.  I'm ready to watch a silly movie with a happy ending now.

Here's another Queensland Pima Fresca FO.

Pattern:  Oana Shawl, by Kirsten Kapur, from Knitscene, Winter 2011. 
I've been on a roll copying projects by Nanea at Aloha Yarns.  This issue of Knitscene just happened to be on sale at Interweave when I looked, for $4 bucks so it must have been karma.
Needles:  10 1/2
I went a little bonkers until I found the errata.  If I'd only read the comments on Ravelry...heh.  I finally had to blow up the chart, add markers to set apart the pattern repeatmand move those markers every chart repeat.  The purl row is usually not very busy so that saved the project for me.  I did have to concentrate but the the project went quickly with worsted weight yarn.
The yarn is very soft  to work with.  It does shed so I decided not to do the fringe.  Cotton has such a short staple and am afraid it will really fall apart.  I love this yarn and have one more color to knit up!

I'm gearing up for Tour de Fleece.  I have a bunch of cotton to comb.  I want to try the lace flyer that came with my Majacraft Rose, but have never used.  I also have the jumbo flyer to try.

I'm been so ambivalent about whether to continue to work my two days/week. It has been a year of big expenses, so a paycheck is nice that respect.  I also met my certification requirements for this year.  I have one more set to do by 2016 and would have to take the big test in 2017.   So why not continue?

My Vitamix has come and I'm trying to kick start some weight loss.  The first kale drink I made tasted horrible, but they've gotten a better.  I downloaded the Loose It app for my phone and I can't tell you have much pleasure I get scanning bar codes.  Cheap thrill.  Some local foods are a challenge.  I was given some Pancit Bihon for lunch and the nutrition info on line varies so much or measures portions in gram.  My sister is hot on chia seeds, so I got some of those.
They got stuck in my dishrag and a few sprouted a several days later.  I was sad to see that a Liliha Bakery coco puff has 255 cal, but I decided to just budget goodies in, instead of obsessing about them.  In life there be coco puffs, and sometimes it's better to just go with the flow.

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty shawl!!

    I need to jumpstart some weight loss, too, and I am looking everywhere for the mojo and just can't seem to locate it. Dang...

    Tour de Fleece fiber prep commencing!!!
    Also, your little spindle infection finally got me...I just ordered a Bosworth midi spindle in red cedar. I realized that I was going to be traveling during the TDF, and I'd loaned out my spindles (trying to spread the infection, apparently) and I figured now was the time, heh.
