Monday, June 30, 2014

So Sad, No Tour de Fleece for me :(

I've somehow messed up my arm and neck and can't spin.  I've tried resting, massage, exercises and even resorted to acetaminophen and naproxen.  I'm resigned that I will not be able to spin in the Tour de Fleece this year.  I have been  referred to a specialist. Sigh. Guess I'll keep off the knitting for a while as well.  My hands don't know what to do while watching TV anymore.  The pickings on TV are slim, but I've settled on Longmire, 24, Endeavor and the last season of True Blood. 

On a more successful note, my mom's pineapples are going strong.  She has harvested 2 already and this one is almost ready.  

She is coping with my dad's passing by doing what she always does when under stress.  She is cleaning and organizing...going through pictures, clothes, writing letters.  Many things have gone to the thrift stores.  She messed up her shoulder and finally saw her doc.  She was referred to PT.  But she never lets these sort of things get her down.  Her main concern is whether the cat (Kiko) chooses to sleep with her or not.  It's handy living next door to her, and I have breakfast with her 6 days a week now that I'm retired and get all the daily reports!

My quest for "cocktail" attire for an August wedding has only been 50% successful.  The search goes on.  The plant re-potting project is underway.  The Lancaster has reported a white fly infestation on the avocado tree in the pot.  Agh!  The trials and tribulations of owning a yard!  The Lancaster has been digging and laying gravel around for his great "drainage" project.  I'm not even sure I needed that, but he's usually right.  Guess I'll have to buck up and call the appliance dude to figure out what is wrong with the flaky dishwasher.  The Landcaster feels that is important and he's usually right.  Aah the mundane-ness of it all.

A Texas cousin came for a visit.  It was nice catching up and sharing stories.  He lost both his parents this year, one month apart.  His mom was my mom's sister, and mom is the last of the siblings.  This is the cousin that I met for the first time when he was 70!  I love his stories.  I'm not sure why I never got to share in his life growing up.  My mom never took us to visit them in Granbury, TX.  He expressed his recent awareness, that there is nothing like family.  It's never too late.  True too of old friends...reminiscing, we all remember different things and have different takes on what went down way back when. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Retirement Brain

I thought I had today all planned out...breakfast with mom, knitting at 10, hang out until 2pm and doctor's appointment at 2:30pm.

The doctor's appointment for my sore arm and shoulder, and weakness in the arm.  I really didn't notice the weakness until I tried to carry the garbage bag.  I tried to see the Sport's Medicine doc, but they didn't consider knitting a sport.  I suspect my problem started after finishing the lace from hell.  Anyway, to get an appointment on a certain for an acute problem, I had to call at 7:30am that day.

2:30 seemed the perfect time. I could drive over after knitting, see the doc, and get my blood tests done for my routine appointment in August.   One problem...knitting was for next week.  Oh well, I had a great time at Aloha Yarns, and practically had Nanea all to myself.   And, I actually spent 7 hours without my computer. (not counting Wonbin the iphone)

Anne stopped by and I scored a 3 lb avocado!  Can't wait for it to get ripe.  I always worry about these massive avocados since a former patient got beaned on the head picking one.  She luckily did not get a concussion, but had a very impressive bruise that when down her back as well!

 Update:    6/27/2014 Here's what a 3 lb avocado looks like.  almost 8 inch tall and 5 inch in diameter. 

I've been referred for some xrays and to see a Physiatrist.   In the meantime I'm going to knit and spin on. 

Blogless Sandy had a good laugh.  She is reading a book about chemo brain, a type of cognitive dysfunction related to chemotherapy.  The symptoms sound similar to retirement brain, which I may be suffering from.  Mom and I spend part of each am determining what day of the week its and what tasks we need to get done.  This becomes a feat when there are no work days to schedule around.   Having calendars help some, but only if the data is entered correctly. 

I finished a little stashbuster.

Pattern:  Ruched Sleep Eye Mask
by Sarah Cores
Yarn:  Pakucho, organic cotton
Needles:  First 3 size 6, too holey.  Second one size 5.
I'm going to try these out on my night flight to Stitches Midwest.  It's so hard for me to sleep on planes.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Moosie has Landed!

Moosie by Jonathan Bosworth
9 inch Tulipwood Shaft
28 grams.
Love this tiny work of art.  The whorl diameter is 1.75 inch

I'm going to try some silk on it next.

Another long term knitting FO while knitting with blogless Sandy and Nanea at Aloha Yarns

Quiviut Cap
Pattern:  Free on Ravelry, Osmena by Jenn Jarvis from Nipperknits

The Qiviut is incredibly soft and silky.  Knitting on size 1 and size 2 needles goes very slowly.  I did Jeny's Incredible Stretchy Bind Off.  I got this luxury yarn in Alaska at the Anchorage museum a few years ago and finally found the right project for it.

Yesterday was No. 2 son's birthday.  I can't believe he is the big 30.  Back in the day, 30 was considered over the hill and the age after which a person could not be trusted.  How foolish I was back then...but at least I was invincible!

Friday, June 20, 2014

A Lovely Gift

Kbrow has sent me a very nice package with some wonderful ceramic acorn buttons!!  I will enjoy them on some future project.  They make me very happy just to be there to admire, too!  She also included some tasty smelling, home made soap, my favorite citrus-y flavors.  Lovely, lovely soap.

Since retiring May 31, I've been pretty lazy, just dreaming of all those healthy pursuits and things that need to be done.  I'm giving my self a mental vacation for one month.  I'm not really good at deadlines that I set for myself, but I'm content to dream about it.  My son was a little worried about me as I went out with my blouse inside out.  Humpf.  These things happen to "mature" ones  when they are rushed!!

I felt very accomplished having fixed two things on that fix it list.  One is this bracelet that I've had for ages.  I got it back in the antiquing days and did not have it very long before the middle stone fell out.  Sigh.  I used a rondele I found laying around and filed it a bit.  Luckily the setting prongs were still functioning.  It's bluer then the other stones, but from a distance not a bad match.  


The other is this clock. I've always loved this clock that was a gift years ago.  I ordered several clock movements from Klockit.  The hand were a bit long so I had to do some surgery. I forgot to order second hands but was able to use the old one.  So far it has continued to keep time. 

The knitting has slowed down a bit for the summer.  I fell in love with hempathy and Webs had some on closeout.  I decided on orange and was going to use it for weaving, but then the Aloha Yarns ladies were doing The Hole Story KAL, by Michelle Hunter from Knit Purl Hunter so I decided to jump on the wagon.

I somehow screwed up the ruffle and got this frilly thing that was the neverending lace from hell.  My neck is still stiff as I was so intent on just getting it done!

The hempathy was very nice and drapey and will wash well.  It came out a nice size as well.   And yes, it is very orange!!!

Kbrow was my thrift hunting buddy and the drum has had to continue beating alone since the violin moved East.   I was rewarded with some "real" yarn for next to nothing, a skein of Euroflax, Berrocco Trilogy and 2 skeins of 100% silk Amerah, SW Trading.  I crocheted a puffy heart/leaf garland.
Crochet Puffy Heart by Bonita Patterns, size G hook.  

I have thrown out a few things as a friend is having a garage sale...mostly old spotty books, some liquor bottles shaped like golf clubs and bags that were inherited with house...and I cleaned my desk.  It's still very cluttered but I spy a bit of the table top now and some of the dust bunnies have been moved out.

I obsessed on these sheep so made a few.  

It's difficult to keep off the Internet shopping for things I don't need.  I did get all the roving I need for the upcoming Tour de Fleece.  The plan is to mostly spin cotton on my Hansen e-spinner, "Cherry Baby" and do some puffy thick and thin on Serenity, the Majacraft Rose.

I'm set up to go to Stitches MidWest in Schaumberg.  It will be hot in August!

Friday, June 06, 2014

Catching Up

My company's DOD contracts were cut way back so I decided to retire...again and also to blog again.  The last couple of months have been a blur.

In April, my dad passed after 4 years of being home bound.  He suffered from depression over his loss of his physical abilities to do the things he loved, gardening, listening to baseball games, and music.  While medications helped, he refused to leave home and did not even step into the garage for four years.  He lived a long and interesting life of service to his profession and to his family.  I am grateful my mom was able to care for him at home, that he had no physical pain, and that his passing was peaceful.  I am grateful I live next door and was able to support them these last few years.   He was laid to rest May 24.  For me the process was gradual and I came to terms with whatever resentments I harbored. Now when I think of dad, I think of his cute smile and his integrity and drive to do the right thing.  I have fond memories of fishing with him in Kaneohe Bay, catching ika down by the Ilikai, crawfish in Nuuanu Stream...

On my second to last working day I contracted a virus, I'm thinking the Norovirus.  I wasn't tested, 'cuz ya know doctors make the worst patients and I treated my self.  Not that there was much to do but groan and moan, and try to stay hydrated until the darn thing passed.   I lost another two weeks to the pity party.

I did some knitting and crocheting and purchased a Hansen E-spinner (my own retirement celebration gift, lol)  I won't bore readers with the details, so here is the mosaic.  The project details are on Ravelry.  

1.  crochet Bucket hat (made several)
2.  Gaptastic Cowl-made two
3.  Kamuela socks.  Pattern from Aloha Yarns in Kaneohe.  Fun footies in hot pink.
4.  Canalatto Cowl
5. Tried out the Cascade Tangier Noro-like yarn.  Nice!  Quaker yarn stretcher boomerang
6.  More Graham hats (made 3)
7.  Graham hat
8.  Giro
9.  Finally finished the Queen Anne scarf.  I ended up looping it and adding some crochet flowers for a goodbye lei for a friend.
10.  Echarpe Pointes Violettes/Violet Points Scarf.  My first time using Hempathy.  I think I'm in love.  This is a perfect yarn for Hawaii's warm climate.
11.  Flower Girl Cottage Crochet headband.
12.  Spinning Ewa Beach (Sea Island) cotton on "Cherry Baby", the Hansen e-spinner.

My most recent project was a spindle bag.  My very first project on my Cricket Rigid Heddle loom, was a "table runner".  It was not very good, so I sewed it into a spindle bag for my Malcolm Fielding Tasmanian Devil.  
It fits the cardboard tube the spindle shipped in and is padded inside with one of the those floating noodles, cut to size.  I sweat the grommets, but managed to put them without a hitch thanks to youtube!

I used a knitting needle to enlarge a hole, so no cutting was needed for the whole project (oh wait, look at that fringe...snip!).  The fabric was thick, so I didn't line it.

Somewhere in there I took to a trip to Sonoma.  I enjoyed the Beringer Winery.
I visited two fun knitting shops:   Knitterly in Petaluma and Cast Away and Folk in Santa Rosa.   Both were places I would visit again!

What's not to like about a wall of Koigu?  I won't flash my stash, but I didn't hold back!