Friday, June 06, 2014

Catching Up

My company's DOD contracts were cut way back so I decided to retire...again and also to blog again.  The last couple of months have been a blur.

In April, my dad passed after 4 years of being home bound.  He suffered from depression over his loss of his physical abilities to do the things he loved, gardening, listening to baseball games, and music.  While medications helped, he refused to leave home and did not even step into the garage for four years.  He lived a long and interesting life of service to his profession and to his family.  I am grateful my mom was able to care for him at home, that he had no physical pain, and that his passing was peaceful.  I am grateful I live next door and was able to support them these last few years.   He was laid to rest May 24.  For me the process was gradual and I came to terms with whatever resentments I harbored. Now when I think of dad, I think of his cute smile and his integrity and drive to do the right thing.  I have fond memories of fishing with him in Kaneohe Bay, catching ika down by the Ilikai, crawfish in Nuuanu Stream...

On my second to last working day I contracted a virus, I'm thinking the Norovirus.  I wasn't tested, 'cuz ya know doctors make the worst patients and I treated my self.  Not that there was much to do but groan and moan, and try to stay hydrated until the darn thing passed.   I lost another two weeks to the pity party.

I did some knitting and crocheting and purchased a Hansen E-spinner (my own retirement celebration gift, lol)  I won't bore readers with the details, so here is the mosaic.  The project details are on Ravelry.  

1.  crochet Bucket hat (made several)
2.  Gaptastic Cowl-made two
3.  Kamuela socks.  Pattern from Aloha Yarns in Kaneohe.  Fun footies in hot pink.
4.  Canalatto Cowl
5. Tried out the Cascade Tangier Noro-like yarn.  Nice!  Quaker yarn stretcher boomerang
6.  More Graham hats (made 3)
7.  Graham hat
8.  Giro
9.  Finally finished the Queen Anne scarf.  I ended up looping it and adding some crochet flowers for a goodbye lei for a friend.
10.  Echarpe Pointes Violettes/Violet Points Scarf.  My first time using Hempathy.  I think I'm in love.  This is a perfect yarn for Hawaii's warm climate.
11.  Flower Girl Cottage Crochet headband.
12.  Spinning Ewa Beach (Sea Island) cotton on "Cherry Baby", the Hansen e-spinner.

My most recent project was a spindle bag.  My very first project on my Cricket Rigid Heddle loom, was a "table runner".  It was not very good, so I sewed it into a spindle bag for my Malcolm Fielding Tasmanian Devil.  
It fits the cardboard tube the spindle shipped in and is padded inside with one of the those floating noodles, cut to size.  I sweat the grommets, but managed to put them without a hitch thanks to youtube!

I used a knitting needle to enlarge a hole, so no cutting was needed for the whole project (oh wait, look at that fringe...snip!).  The fabric was thick, so I didn't line it.

Somewhere in there I took to a trip to Sonoma.  I enjoyed the Beringer Winery.
I visited two fun knitting shops:   Knitterly in Petaluma and Cast Away and Folk in Santa Rosa.   Both were places I would visit again!

What's not to like about a wall of Koigu?  I won't flash my stash, but I didn't hold back!

1 comment:

  1. GLAAAAD YOU'RE BACK!! Lovely knitted items. I've got to check out that Hansen spinner. Your dreams did come true!
