Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Fabric Stash Project 2015

It's worse then I thought.  I do recognize these fabrics.  I'm folding them and storing them upright.  I still have a few more tubs.  I resolve not buy fabric or yarn without a project in mind.  The donate pile is actually quite small on this first go around.

I'm reading a book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, by Marie Kondo.  I've actually folded my clothes and stood them up, and now I'm folding my fabric.  I'm done with Great Shred Project!  That was very cathartic.  It may be awhile before all my possessions have a place...tough for a crafter.  I really should so something with all the basket-making stuff.  It's a bit moldy but some of it is still good.  I doubt I'll be making baskets anymore. I'm cock-a-roaching the plastic bins from my yarn stash for the fabric stash, trying to resist the urge to buy more storage bins. (One of Ms Kondo's suggestions). The yarn stash will have to be next. I wonder how one stores yarn upright?

I watched this video and liked they way she did it.

I've given up haircuts and massages until June. My hairdresser said "long time no see".  I told her I was re-inventing myself and would see her in June.  I even thought about finding a part time job.  Now that is is really bad.  Of course I came to senses right away when I envisioned waking up and having to show up someplace on a schedule. 

It's been raining recently and the cotton plant is not happy about it.  I discovered that the bolls that have lost their calyx through wind damage do not make good cotton.  I guess they need that protection.  The bolls pop open but the cotton inside is moldy and never puffs out.  Nature is so fascinating.  On a good note, despite the rain, my electric bill has been minus!  The solar project is paying off.

Game of Thrones is back on air.  It is so tough waiting a week for the new episode and I cry for more when the episode ends.  The series is diverging from the book and so far the changes are all good!  But Justified finished it's run.  No more Olyphant to watch, sigh. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like that book. I have yet to put it into practice. But the closet where my own fabric stash is stashed is a prime candidate for tidying up.

    I'm pretty pleased with Game of Thrones, too, though I think Pat is tired of hearing me say "this didn't happen like this in the book..."
