Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Recent FOs

Pattern:  #07 Fair Isle Hatby Mary Jane Mucklestone from Vogue Knitting, Fall 2016
Yarn:  Main color, Rowanspun DK (discontinued).  Mad Hatter, Mini Skein Packs by Frabjous Fibers (recycled from spiral scarf).  A little bit of two colors of leftover sock yarn.
Needles:  size 2 and 3

I greatly enjoyed knitting this pattern.  At first I thought it would be too small.  The Rowanspun is more like fingering weight.  It all turned out fine in the end.  I'm wearing it around the house this am as it may be in the mid 70s, lol.  So far it is not scratchy.  I was going for a solid tassel, but the Rowanspun seemed delicate so I added a few stands of the tougher Frabjous Fiber to sew it down with.

Mom wanted some Korknisse for her golfing buddies.  She has resumed golf at 92 years young!
I used champagne corks courtesy of the fabulous Jason at The Food Company.

Pattern:  Korknisse by Manne
Yarn:  Various odds and ends.  
I hand felted the balls and dyed them in Wiltons cake dye.  Mom is happy with them.  

Blogless Kathy wanted me to repair a crystal dragonfly that had lost it's tail.  It took a bit and I had to wing the tail since it was totally lost.  After a few attempts I'm happy with it.  The glass teardrops are really dull compared to the real deal Swarovski. 

Karen of Bella Beads is closing her shop.  She is such a creative person and she wants to branch out and do other things.  Also, business has slowed and rent has gone up so I have to say mahalo and aloha to her.  I had many fun times with her and I wish her well. 

I picked some peace signs and closed jumps rings in the closeout, so I made stitch markers.  

I haven't tried them out yet.  The beads are quite light. 

I stopped by the Senior Fit class for a potluck.  Mom peeled a couple jabong(pomelo)  for the group and I made tabbouleh.  I usually use garbanzo beans but only had black bean which turned out fine.  I got to use green onion, parsley, mint and tomato from the garden.  My homegrown Rangapur limes aren't ripe yet so I used lemon.    I'm excited since after about 10 years and threatening to cut it down, the tree set 5 fruits!! I am trying to figure out when to return to class.  The neck is getting better but I will have cataract surgery early November, so maybe December.   The self talk goes on.


1 comment:

  1. Love the hat and the is so festive esp for the Holidays!!
