Monday, June 29, 2020

Long Time No See

Strange times right now. 

Corona-virus pandemic since the beginning of the year, started here in March.  We are now up to 800 cases, with 18 deaths.  Small numbers compared to elsewhere, but being an island economy the prospects of a surge are especially scary as the resources can easily be overwhelmed.  We are entirely dependent on shipping by land and sea to survive.  The economy is pretty much dependent on tourism and people travel not knowing the are ill, or even worse when they are ill.  I can only hope our state figures out a way to mitigate the influx of new cases.  Meanwhile all I can do is self-isolate, wear my mask and wash hands frequently.  I only go out for groceries when I need them.  There was a brief moment when Hawaii Farm to Car, the perfect solution for me, existed.  They have moved the pick up location to an inconvenient time and location. (sad face)

The political scene.  I have a friend who kept telling me 45 has dementia.  I didn't believe it thinking his odd way of speaking with very little vocabulary, hunting for words, and not actually answering point blank questions was a personality flaw or educational issue.  After I saw his interview with Oprah in 1988 I saw that the comparison of the man then and the man now was dramatic, the diagnosis is obvious.  Something has happened.  It's scary to think he is supposedly manning the helm.    There are so many issues that are pressing,  Black lives matter, police violence, gun violence, health care crisis, immigration, women's rights, LGBT community issues, relationships with allies and the world.  It's a lot for any person, especially one who is impaired.  Hopefully he won't be 46, and whoever that person is, they will surround themselves with the best people to help solve these problems and not fire them willy nilly.  

There is some drama going on Ravelry...a disturbance in the Force! I bet I visit Ravelry more then once a day.  I don't do any business on Raverly other then buy the occasional pattern.  It has been a wonderful place to spend time.  One day without warning, it looked different.  I read the explanation and understood the reasons behind changing certain things, but was sure glad when Classic Ravelry became an option.  A group of designers that I follow said they had disabilities that made the new design dangerous for them, causing migraines and seizures.  Wow!  What will come of it?  Hope they can make the site stop jiggling.  It may be an optical illusion, but everything seems smaller to me.  

My friends and I talk about how lucky we are to be in a stage of life where we don't have to go to work, have health insurance and income to meet our daily needs. friends and family to weather these trying times.  Of course, the eyes and ears are going, and the aches and pains...haha.

I am have been thinking about personal commitment lately.  I avoid certain types of commitment because I am afraid to fail and once I make a commitment it's all or none.  A good example is that when I joined Noom briefly, I was able to make some changes, like weigh daily and do a food diary.  A difficult thing was tell the world about my Noom journey so they could support me.  If I did not lose weight, I would be a failure and the world would know.  I know these are irrational thoughts.  So I'm taking a chance and putting this out there.  

Since I have Stash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy, and I am not physically able to march or demonstrate, I will knit a hat a month for the rest of year.  What my family in the frigid north do not take a fancy to, I will donate, problably to Friends of Pineridge.  Something small, but very doable.

Here's May.  Classic Beanie, Cascade Tangier
Here's June.  Musselburgh, Madeleine Tosh Sock, color way Thunderstorm. 

July should be Tour de Fleece but I'm holding off until August.
The July hat is another Lake Reed, in Shelter

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