Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Marrietta's Halloween

 After being Judge Ginsberg for quite awhile, Marietta decided to dress up for Halloween.  She has a new shawl and hat.  

The shawl is a shortened version of Skull shawl/Döskallesjal by kungen och majkis.  It doesn't show up that well on her, but she needed something to tone down the purple T.  I used a size 3 metal crochet hook and some very ancient, thrifted crochet thread.  it bled a lot when I soaked it.  

The hat is made of felt.  I followed How to Make a witch hat for any size doll on Lomi's Playground on You Tube.  Math was involved and it was also metric.  Minimal hand sewing was involved.  I had some black wire ribbon in stash and attempted a bow.  I used some left-over green scrubbie cotton.  It is a sorry decoration.  Hope I get more ideas later.  

After shopping for the proper pin, I found a cat pin in a drawer labelled Pins.  Thank Marie Kondo for that, lol.  I'd forgotten I had such a drawer.  I suspect this came from mom's stash.  

On the knitting scene, another Musselburgh is happening with a lovely blue yarn hand-dyed by Nanea of the now closed lys, Aloha Yarns.  I really miss that place and it's lovely vibe.  

Such an exciting life I lead.  

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