Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sucked In

Sucked into family, sucked in to work, sucked in to this sweater. OMG, I'm sucked into my life!

This sweater is poking a long. It doesn't look like I've made much progress, but I've knit half the gusset, and have a few inches on the front or back whichever it turns out to be. Sorry for the dark picture. It is a dark yarn. The wonderful Ms. Lolly of Socktober fame collects pomegranates and, surprise, I collect acorns and Totoros. So I will take this moment in the craft void to display a few! They make me happy!

I'm stumped on what yarn to use for the Twosheeps DNA scarf. I want to be able to the feel the yarn before I buy it, and so far the Internet has let me down on that one. I have an intended recipient in mind and I think luxurious is the way to go, but the yarn has to be able to show up the incredible design.

I am enamored with The Giving Flower's and helloyarn's mittens. I have a lovely red DK wool in red, but only black or green to contrast. Sigh, I suffer from stash deficiency syndrome (closet full of yarn, just not the right fiber/feel/color or gauge).

I was kind of burned out on the idea of traveling, but, the yarn supplies here are scarce. Perhaps in the fall :) I am saving up those points now!


  1. If you need someplace to go on your yarn shopping expedition, come to Portland! I swear, this city is yarn nirvana. And I would be most happy to show it all to you ;->!

  2. I was just thinking about you today, wondering if you were going to post soon- I've missed your posts! I'm so glad you did. ;-) Your sweater's looking great! Looks like you've really made a lot of progress on it. And your Totoro and acorn collection is so sweet. I am totally enamored with Kimberly's mittens, too. And intimidated! I'll leave it to you experts and just admire from afar. ;-) Hope life and work slows down soon so you get a chance to relax and take a little breather. Take care!! :-)

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Ok, I'll be over in a bit to update your stash. No, maybe you should come over here, I have two good yarn shops within walking distance. ;) I'll make it worth your trip-I'll bake something yummy.

  4. Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment about my Rib and Cable socks. I really should make mastering grafting a goal for 2006. LOL!

    Could you use Baby Cashmerino for the DNA scarf? That is easily ordered online, certainly feels lovely, and fits the "luxurious" bill! :)

  5. jeez, i know how you feel when life just feels like an ambiguous black hole that vacuums you in and messes with your spacetime continuum. craziness!
    those totoro are so cute!
    ah, travel...i wish i had enough vacation and money to take off for weeks at a time. i think i have enough mileage to roundtrip to the mainland, but not enough vacation time *sigh* after becoming a knitter, going places has taken on such a new meaning--there's yarn and yarn stores to look for! and dangit, i actually kinda "know" people out there now! (knit bloggers, gotta love 'em!)
    and you know, i've discovered i'm totally ignorant to the fact that there are no really good local resources for norwegian/fair-isle type mittens. i've got an itch to make a pair...just for the sake of making them. i guess i'm a process knitter...
    amen to stash deficiency syndrome! there's no real cure for it, is there? buy more yarn, but still feel like you've got nothing to knit. alas, such is the plight of us knitters. ;)

  6. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Hi Barb! Cute totoro!! But where do you get acorns in Hawaii? Thanks for the comment on my blog about cleaning. Yes, it does get messier at first, but stick with it. It'll start clearing up - promise! Then you can go buy more stash!

  7. Hi Barb,
    I have the perfect item to add to your collection. If you can email me your address (even send a PO box if you'd prefer) I will send them out to you along with some nice yarn to make the DNA scarf with.
