Sunday, January 08, 2006

What's Bloomin'

While talking to my sister this morning I glanced out on the patio and noticed some flowers blooming. My plants have to be hearty and self sufficent and so when they bloom I'm really very happy:)
On the knitting front, I am into the second ball of my Fisherman's sweater. The color doesn't photograph well at all. The color is a very dark green, so the seed stitch pattern is more of a stealth pattern. It is fun to do, though. I have been reflecting on my color choices. Am I turning into my grandma? I asked once what color she would like and she said (Japanese accent) "Gu-ray, goo-ru caw-ra." I'm contemplating a lighter color for my next cardigan/pullover project.

I went to Yarn and Friend's yesterday in search of sturdier needles to make this sweater and also to pet some yarn. There was quite a crowd there. When I got home the mailman brought me Modular Knits.

Lots of fun projects in there.


  1. Those flowers are SO gorgeous! One thing I miss about living on dad's orchids!

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Very pretty flowers.
    I have the Modular Knits book too, but haven't made anything from it yet. Lots of nice projects in there though.

  3. your flowers are so lovely! and that rae over at yarn & friends--she is so funny, like the way she always says "i'm not ignoring you, just make yourself at home and let me know when you need anything." and before you leave, she always says "thanks. okay, take care now, sweetheart. i love you, bye!" hahaa!!! i love all the japanese brand yarn she has, too. :)

  4. Beautiful blooms! Everything is dead or dying here, so it's nice to see some life!

  5. how do you like working with the beaverslide yarn? thanks for pointing out the muted musician pattern, i'd forgotten about it :-)

  6. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Thanks for the flowers! It is so dreary and cold here those flower warmed me right up.

  7. Oh, I love orchids! So pretty! Everything is dull and grey here. Can I come live with you?

  8. Happy New Year, B!! Wow, looks like I've got a lot of catching-up to do, but I'll get it done, I swear! Your orchids are just stunning and the lighting in your photos really emphasizes their beauty. Your Fisherman's sweater looks fantastic, as well. This isn't Rogue though, right? It's a different sweater? I feel so out of the loop... I need to go back and read all your previous posts. ;-) BTW, if your mailman were ever to mix up your mail with mine, I think I could die happy, heehee! Take care! :-)

  9. Anonymous12:30 PM

    LOve the white ones!
