Wednesday, November 08, 2006

More Totoro adventures with Handspinning

Now that Socktober is over, sigh, I am in project limbo. I started the Blue Sky bear, but the yarn from my stash in very uninspiring and I can't seem to pick it up even though it has only one leg to go.
I washed and dried my first spindle full of yarn spun from the blue roving on my Ashford drop spindle from the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival. I experimented with some shaping and knit on ears, but I think other ears have been better. The large one really has more cat-like ears. At least Totoros do not make fun of other Totoros, they are just not like that. I toyed with the idea of felting the Totoro...maybe another time.
I received a really nice gift from the world's best hair stylistMisa, at Paul Brown Honolulu. She returned from her trip to Japan with a hand towel, paperclip jar and bag charm. They are just too cute.

Hmmm, what can I make for Norovember with two balls of Silk Garden?


  1. I love the photo for your profile! Your previous ears looked a bit better, but these are so inquisitive and fun I like them, too. You have a way with ears... --Syl

  2. two balls of silk garden...? hmm...wristwarmers? that stuff is a bit drapey, ey? i'm still using kureyon; haven't quite graduated to silk garden just yet. :P are those leftovers from your klaralund? pretty sharp, that one. :)

  3. So adorable! Do you need a cell phone cozy? Another hat? How about mixing the Noro with something else for a bag?

  4. made the Kureyon Kozy, already. Y'know, I always meant to make the "Hurry Up Spring" wristwarmers in SNB Nation, they're longer and have a cute charted pattern of trailing vines and leaves. They're supposed to be of Kureyon, but Silk Garden knits up to the same gauge, and I don't think it behaves too differently. I hear there's some errata in that pattern, so check the chart first.

    I adore the Totoros, and like the variations on ears. How many do you have now?

    I'm spinning a little at a time, not much yarn yet, and still WAY too thick and thin and just um...weird. No projects in sight for me just yet.

  5. Anonymous11:29 PM

    I totally love these little Totoros, and most especially the fact that one doesn't look exactly like the other - there's such a lot of variations, and I adore them all, including the ears!

  6. Cute Totoros!

    I haven't played with the Silk Garden, but I know it's supposed to be softer. What about a multidirectional scarf?

  7. They are so darn cute! Hmmm..maybe a Diagonal scarf would look nice with all the beautiful Noro colors. Any scarf would. Would you believe I have never seen Noro silk yet? I went the other day to the yarn shop and ask if they had any but they didn't. I want to see what it feel like, if it's scratchy or not.

  8. Look at that tail! Your Totoros are always so cute. Maybe you can work on (gasp and ducks!) Rogue?

  9. "...Totoros do not make fun of other Totoros, they are just not like that." I love it! If only everyone in the world had Totoro mentality! I finished Shedir, btw and posted a pic on my blog and in the Aloha Knitters photo album you started.
