Sunday, January 28, 2007

Post It Notes don't wash well

There be hats but none that actually fit a human I know. M modelled them all at once ala
Bartholomew Cubbins

Ribby Cardi is blocking. The Knitpicks Andean Treasure in black bled a lot so I'm glad I decided to wet block it.
After fondling Chris's Ella I started Knitty's Ella in Woolarina wool, yummy and soft to work with. I'm hoping it will encourage me to beat my nemesis and finish a worthy lace project. M is also making one in a rayon blend.

On the homemaking front, I am making a concerted effort to check my pants pockets before putting them in the wash. I will have to extend this to include jacket pockets as well. For the record, post it notes do not wash and dry well. They are now hard to write on and don't stick. At least it wasn't a pen, I say.

Today was a beautiful day, just clouding up a little at dusk making for a wonderful sky.

I finally did it. I officially put in to reduce my working hours to half time starting April 1. It's a bit scary after 26 years, but I think I'm ready to take time to smell the roses. I won't need all those post it notes after all!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Day in Waikiki

Day in Waikiki
Originally uploaded by acornbud.
Ribby cardi is still in progress, stil black and still boring to photograph.
I had a meeting in Waikiki so went early to walk around and visit the acquarium. The jelly fish and coral exhibits were very colorful, but difficult to photograph. The Nautilus are sure weird looking critters. The giant clam in the picture is supposedly the oldest one living in an aquarium. It weighs over 160 lbs.
According to Fodor's: This 1927 World War I monument, dedicated to the 102 Hawaiian servicemen who lost their lives in battle, stands proudly -- its 20-foot archway, which was completely restored in 2002, is floodlighted at night. The 100-meter saltwater swimming pool, the training spot for Olympians Johnny Weissmuller and Buster Crabbe and the U.S. Army during World War II, is closed as the facility has fallen into disrepair while a debate rages within city government about whether to refurbish the pool or leave only the archway monument.
I would vote for dismanteling the pool but saving the archway. I can't understand having a pool in the ocean.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Recycled Silk Bag

Yarn: Mango Moon Recycled silk
Pattern: Adapted from Carawata Bag, Andean Folk Knits, by Marcia Lewandowski. I basically used the shape and made it a little bigger.
The yarn is very soft and funky to look at and work with. It tends to shred if any frogging needs to be done and I wonder how the drawstring strap will hold up. I thought the draw string closure was clever. I used a a chain, then came back with a single crochet. I am thinking of some beads, but don't know if I'll ever get to that.
It was difficult to photograph. This was one of those yarns I knew I just had to try once and I like the results. Time will tell if I will use this. Maybe it would be a nice one to take to the movies.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Ohana Fair, Something Sparkly, Something Sad

I made the blue version of the crystal rope. That is an aquamarine clasp, one of my birthstones.

The Ohana Fair was really packed with people this year. I had to park at the UH and take a shuttle, but it turned out to be quite convenient. I enjoyed the bonsai exhibit, but my pictures did not turn out that well. I am still trying to find out if I can make adjustments to take pictures in darker areas. I loved these sushi pillows, especially the spam musubi.

On the knitting scene, I am working two fronts at once on Ribby Cardi, making the all rib version in Knitpicks Andean silk in black making for very boring wip shots.

The holiday visitors are still straggling in. Sister number 4 and son will be leaving tonight.

I got sad news from a penpal (we've been writing since I was in 5th grade). His wife died at age 49 and he pondered why so young. I often wonder why, too.

White iris blooming

Pretty, quick sunset

Savor precious moments now

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hawaii Sky, Hawaiian Snow

I took a day trip to the Big Island and what a glorious flight over it was. The plane flew over Molokai and Lanai, and then over Molokini, a partially submerged volcano that has become a diving destination. In fact there were two ships parked there and another two enroute. Coming over the Big Island, the Observatory was nestled in snow! After entering the cloud cover, the lush Windward coast and Akaka Falls were something to behold. As the plane descended to land I noticed a brief rainbow blazing over Mauna Kea.

I used my miles and and went over to have lunch with a friend and of course visit Big Island Bernina yarn store. I met a goat named Nani and the cutest new tiny black puppy named King, revisited Chevy, the most mello Australian cattle dog and got the tour of the back yard which is gradually becoming a ATV track with it's wild orchids, ohia trees, and mini lava tube.

I got quite a bit of the back of the Ribby Cardi done. A nice mindless knit for the short plane trip from Honolulu.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


The oldest "yarn" in my stash is Nomotta, pure silk organdy riboon, "exquisite fashion ingredient for crocheting, for knitting and for hand-weaving." It is black, 1/4 in. wide/100yds/spool and I have a ton of it. How old is it? I got it at a garage sale about 15 years ago. The address for the company has no zip code. I knit it together with a cotton yarn that has a gold thread running through, ball band long lost. The ribbon is quite stiff and I had visions of making the Knit Lit's Fakeagamo. But I ended up with this little clutch. I lined it with black brush denim from that other stash of mine and sewed the seams and zipper in on the machine. It came out kind of cute.

The 3 mountains in the back are some hats, two from Lamb's Pride Bulky, a little over one ball each and left over Beaverslide from my Gansey. For the charcoal one I used E. Zimmerman's pattern from Knitting without Tears. She says to cast on 36 stitches for the Brioche stitch in any bulk yarn and it will stretch to fit any size head. Well, I must not have had bulky enough yarn and maybe could have used a size 11 instead of a 10.5 needle, but the hat will fit a large menehune, but not my head. The Beaverslide one is about the same size. The sable on was my one pattern. I actually swatched a bit and ended up with a giant hat that doesn't even fit my son. But it is very warm and will work well for someone big hair! To much for the hat tales. I never thought making them fit would be such a challenge. But my stash is smaller:)

The little bear was a cute Christmas gift. It is mostly handsewn, and has buttons attachments that allow his arms and legs to move. He is just darling and I love him.

What next? Ribby cardi? While I ponder what next, I am knitting up my Mango Moon recycled silk into a little bag. Pretty mindless.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Lust, Thy Name is Malabrigo

I readily admit I lusted for Malabrigo. I read about it's legendary softness, I fondled the many skeins at The Knitting Tree in Madison, and I bought some for myself for Christmas in pink chunky and chocolate brown worsted. Now I want to keep it whole. I agonize over knitting something unworthy and I'm too selfish to give any FO away. For my sins, I failed at producing an acceptable first color knit project. Even the wonderfully soft Baby Cashmerino and the awesome pattern from the very generous Hello Yarn couldn't save me.

Inspired though by myra's chibi dangos I knit a little Totoro. He doesn't quite fit in the thimble. He still admires the acorns on the mitten efforts. I'm showing you the good side of the mitten. There are lots of puckers, the black shows throught when the mitten is on, and the thumb is mess. Hope this isn't the beginning of a single mitten syndrome!

I thank blogless Michelle for The GREAT Acorn Cookie Jar!

Oh my I almost forgot to blog about the concert. I haven't been to a concert for a long time. Bonnie Raitt played at the Waikiki Shell. It was a bit drizzly when Hapa opened, but dried up by the time she come on. Wow she can make that slide guitar wail! The place was full of baby boomers. It was such a great, peaceful night.