Sunday, January 28, 2007

Post It Notes don't wash well

There be hats but none that actually fit a human I know. M modelled them all at once ala
Bartholomew Cubbins

Ribby Cardi is blocking. The Knitpicks Andean Treasure in black bled a lot so I'm glad I decided to wet block it.
After fondling Chris's Ella I started Knitty's Ella in Woolarina wool, yummy and soft to work with. I'm hoping it will encourage me to beat my nemesis and finish a worthy lace project. M is also making one in a rayon blend.

On the homemaking front, I am making a concerted effort to check my pants pockets before putting them in the wash. I will have to extend this to include jacket pockets as well. For the record, post it notes do not wash and dry well. They are now hard to write on and don't stick. At least it wasn't a pen, I say.

Today was a beautiful day, just clouding up a little at dusk making for a wonderful sky.

I finally did it. I officially put in to reduce my working hours to half time starting April 1. It's a bit scary after 26 years, but I think I'm ready to take time to smell the roses. I won't need all those post it notes after all!


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    That first picture is hillarious! Sorry to hear that yarn bled so badly. I'm actually starting to worry about that with my next sweater.


  2. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Ah, I adore that hat pic, it totally cracked me up - hey, this looks very warm indeed ;)
    Oh, and thanks for the "washing reminder" - I tend to forget to look through clothes' pockets before washing them and have had some unpleasant surprises already as well - I made a post-it-note now telling me "check through pockets!!". Wonder if it'll end up in the machine as well? ;)
    Gorgeous sky picture, btw!

  3. The pic is too funny! Is your head warmer that way?

    And I certainly hope that you had a packet of post it notes in your pocket and not that many notes to yourself (probably saying things like, remember to remove post-its from pocket before doing laundry).

    BTW, I finally caught up on some of your older posts... the rogue sweater turned out fabulous! I couldn't tell if you made both the brown and the teal, or just the teal? Either way, good for you!

  4. Also, I noticed the new categories in your drill down archive section of your template. Where did you find instructions for how to add that? I'm excited that blogger finally added this feature and want to add the categories onto my sidebar as well. any help would be appreciated.

  5. The hats picture is very funny, as are the post-its.

    Congrats on putting in for the work hour reduction, I'm sure it's well earned after 26 years

  6. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Love the picture, and sorry to hear about the post it notes. I once accidently dropped an entire box of fabric softener sheets into the wash and didn't discover it until the cycle had ended. Ugh.

    Congratulations on reducing your hours to half time! So exciting!

  7. Congratulations on cutting back at work! It's difficult to cut back, I bet, but before you know it, you'll probably be just as busy doing something else!

    Good luck on the Ribby Cardi. I can't wait to see it!

  8. Anonymous6:57 AM

    or crayons. you don't want to know. really.

  9. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Ella has been on my To-Knit list forever. I can't wait to see yours. In my current pregnant state I don't dare start a lace project otherwise I'd knit right along with you :-)

    Congrats on your work decision. Transitions based on heart felt needs are often the best kind.


  10. Great photos! So funny. Sadly, I have done the same thing with an entire pad of post-it notes. Good luck with changing your hours - I'm sure you will enjoy having more time.

  11. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Oh, I have done that...can take forever to pick out of the clothes. Tissues are the worst.

    The hat photo is quite clever.

    I am glad to hear you are cutting back on your hours...that had to be a really hard decision.

  12. Love the cute hat photo:) Very cool.
    Oh..know the post it notes thing way too much. My husband is the culprit of that:)
