Saturday, January 20, 2007

Day in Waikiki

Day in Waikiki
Originally uploaded by acornbud.
Ribby cardi is still in progress, stil black and still boring to photograph.
I had a meeting in Waikiki so went early to walk around and visit the acquarium. The jelly fish and coral exhibits were very colorful, but difficult to photograph. The Nautilus are sure weird looking critters. The giant clam in the picture is supposedly the oldest one living in an aquarium. It weighs over 160 lbs.
According to Fodor's: This 1927 World War I monument, dedicated to the 102 Hawaiian servicemen who lost their lives in battle, stands proudly -- its 20-foot archway, which was completely restored in 2002, is floodlighted at night. The 100-meter saltwater swimming pool, the training spot for Olympians Johnny Weissmuller and Buster Crabbe and the U.S. Army during World War II, is closed as the facility has fallen into disrepair while a debate rages within city government about whether to refurbish the pool or leave only the archway monument.
I would vote for dismanteling the pool but saving the archway. I can't understand having a pool in the ocean.


  1. I've never been entirely happy with pictures I've taken in aquariums, I just can't quite capture the magical shapes and colours of the underwater life. I think the ones you have came out nicely though.

    I like the archway, and agree with you, a pool in the ocean doesn't seem to make sense.

  2. Sounds like a great day in Waikiki. I enjoyed visiting the aquarium when I lived there, too. Your comments about the archway and the pool made me laugh; the politicians were debating that when I lived there!

  3. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Well, yes, I have to agree - the thought of having a pool in the ocean is a bit strange indeed! But what a great aquarium the one in Waikiki must be, I'd so love to see it by myself one day - all those inspiring colours and shapes must be so magnificent!

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Nice scenary for sure!


  5. Lucky you getting to spend such a nice day at an aquarium in Waikiki. I would give anything to feel the warmth of the sun right now.

  6. Anonymous11:00 AM

    The Natatorium has always fascinated me, although I've never actually been inside. The pool however has always terrified me. Ever since I was a kid I pictured the creature from the black lagoon crawling out of it!

  7. The Aquarium! I have some good memories there! Please pass my greetings on to Chris! I miss her so much ;)

  8. they should backfill the pool and enclose the area into a monument or something. then again, wouldn't want the homeless hanging out over there and desecrating it. i don't know. i have appreciation for those things, but i think it's difficult for politicians of this generation to fully appreciate the gravity of historical things.
