Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Yes indeedy...a FO!

Pattern: Child's First Sock from Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush
Yarn: Koigu
Needles: Knitpicks size 1

This pattern looks similar to Cookie's Pomatomus, or as is said in Hawaii "same, but different". Chris, enabler that she is, roused some of the Aloha Knitters to knit this very attractive sock. They're mine!!! The only mod I made was to stop the instep at row 5 of the pattern so they would fit my "round" feet.

At the rate I'm knitting these days, it may be my first and last entry for Summer of Socks 2007 (and it may be disqualified as SOS hasn't really started yet)

I stepped outside this am to photograph the pineapple WIP and found the white orchid in full bloom. It is a wild orchid that has started to establish itself around the yard. With that many blooms I noticed the fragrance is incredibly strong. Maybe too strong! It is a delicate transient bloom. The purple wisteria and the ornamental bleeding heart was also in bloom. I'm not sure if they are the true wisteria and bleeding heart, but that's what I call them.

The decluttering efforts have resumed. I have one garbage bag full of trash and moved the rubber stamp table to the sewing room to use as a cutting table. I faced up to the fact that stamping and fimo are two crafts that are best left to others. True to form though, the stamps are not in the Goodwill bag yet. I have a collection of screws and computer cables that I just can't seem to get rid of and also lots of little knick knacks, like macaroni angels, bobby pin flowers, and such. Since they were gifts, it's hard to let them go. And of course, there is always the risk I'll buy them back at the thrift store.

Thanks for all the kind words about my Tweedy. I miss his cheerful green little presence.


  1. i love the koigu blue - complements the pattern very nicely! hey! my husband's got some pineapples growing in the backyard too - about 5 of them. i'm doing some decluttering too - actually, trying to clean up the "dungeon" so i can have a craft/work room - barely making a dent....what's your strategy to start? can you believe i took a week vacation to start on this task? i say "start" cause i'm not delusional into thinking i'll actually finish in a week....

  2. gorgeous socks! i think i'll be joining the child's first sock posse once i get the black rainbow socks done. i'm not sure if i can wait for SOS to start though. maybe the mona will be my sock crack till the 21st.

    gorgeous orchids!

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Those socks turned out beautiful!

  4. Very nice socks! Have you considered selling your stamps on ebay? At least you'd get some money to buy more yarn, lol!

  5. Oh wow. Those are gorgeous socks.

  6. Anonymous5:03 PM

    You are so cute! You would buy your own things back from the thrift store? How about having a contest on your blog or a drawing for all these treasures? Someone out there will appreciate them. :)

    I so love your flowers. Thank you so much for sharing them. I'm especially enamored of them because they are so tropical what is your gardening zone?

  7. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Oops, forgot to say that your socks are delightful!

  8. Very cute socks! I may have to knit a pair that is same, same but different. :)

  9. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Awww, these socks are absolutely beautiful! This pattern is so awesome - in fact I like it even more than the Pomatomus one, it seems the pattern repeats are done shorter (fewer rows) and thus make it look very special and unique! Added to that the gorgeous yarn you used - perfect indeed!
    Your orchids are totally stunning! I love orchids so much, but have to agree, so many blooms can make for a quite strong smell - and yet, they're a feast for the eyes!

  10. Ohhhhhh, if I could only grow orchids in my yard!!! Stop, stop, (slathering uncontrollably...) Love the pics, the plants are great and colorful, and the socks are so cute!

  11. Wow, those socks are beauties! Particularly in the lovely Koigu. I am doing SoS too, but I can't wrangle those socks out at lightning speed like some knitters - so I think I may be able to do one -maybe two pairs- maximum!
    Thank you for sharing the lovely fruit/flower photos!

  12. very pretty indeed. and almost solid Koigu is just so yummy...

  13. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Ack! Gorgeous, gorgeous socks! Love the color and the scallopy pattern.

    Good luck with the decluttering. I really need to do some of that around here.

  14. I met someone knitting that sock a couple of weeks ago and it entranced me. Your socks and photos of the flowers are gorgeous!

  15. Thanks for the nice comment on my deck chair cushions. Actually, I didn't stuff them at all. I found regular deck cushions at a garage sale (but very ugly ones) for $1, and just covered them with nicer fabric.

  16. Anonymous5:53 AM

    You are living proof of one of the reasons I want to learn to knit (I crochet). I can do some pretty cool crochet work that knitters can't do, but I will never ever accomplish lace work that gorgeous.

    I just wanted to post a quick comment to say hello and introduce myself as April, your blog reader, for the Summer of Socks 2007. And make sure you know that I found your blog and have subscribed to it.

  17. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Hi Acornbud, I'm in your SOS group. I came b/c I noticed your Totoros. Uhm, is there a pattern for that somewhere? I really *heart* Totoro. :)
