Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What ho! The King of Fruit

This is pineapple two on the eve of harvest. Pineapple number one is just a sweet, golden memory. Both were very sweet and even won rave reviews from the discerning people next door (my folks, heh)

The knitting has been very slow as my arm is still not well. My doc offered to give me a shot, but then I would have to rest it. I guess I'm not ready to do that, rest it I mean. So I got a slightly different brace and a massage today. I have x-ray and labs to do, and darn if he didn't order the routine stuff, colon cancer screening and all, sigh.

The politics at work have been a real drain but I'll not bore the readers here.

So the works in progress, Ariann...

I'm up to the part where I start the sleeves. After making parts of two sleeves everything gets joined together and knit to complete. I can't decide whether to do 3/4 sleeps or long. Since the intended recipient lives in Tacoma, perhas 3/4 sleeves will be better.

I'm jumping on the Monkey wagon for Zaruzela's SOS in Trekking XL.
While indulging in some shop therapy over at Isle Knits and I purchased the fixings to knit the Hedgehog. (scroll down to see LilikoiKnits hedgehog) and also picked up some gold Bonsai for Coachella I'm now thinking about all the joins and the warnings about joins in the pattern, so who knows if Coachella it will be?


  1. Yum, pineapple! I am all agog over watermelon these days. Hey, I have the pattern and makings for Hedgehog in my stash, I can knit along with you. Maybe Chris would feel inspired to join us...

  2. Pineapple ripened on the plant has got to be in the same league as vine-ripened tomatos. Out of this world!

    Hope your arm gets better.

  3. Your Ariann reminds me of the pretty colors of the pineapple leaves. My favorite part of that fresh fruit is chewing on the core. I know, I'm nutty! :)
    Bunny hugs!

  4. Hey can I join in on the fun of the Hedgehog KAL?

  5. i've seen the hedgehog here and there and can't wait to see your progress! i see your monkey sock is coming along nicely - i like the blue colorway of the trekking.

  6. Anonymous5:22 AM

    ymmm pineapple is one of our very favorites! your arianne looks lovely.

  7. Lovely pineapple. Will you grow more? We have ripe Satsuma plums this week.

    I love the way the yarn you chose is working up in Ariann. Elegant!

  8. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Delicious looking pineapple! I havested a bunch of peaches from the two trees in my back yard last week. I need to get out there and get a few more this week.

  9. That yarn you've chosen for Ariann is so pretty! It's going to be beautiful! Hope your arm starts feeling better soon, too.

  10. Anonymous2:12 AM

    I'm so sorry that your arm is still bothering you - I hope you'll be feeling perfectly well soon again!
    My gosh, this pineapple looks so yummy! I would just have problems to decide whether I'd like to eat it raw just as it is or make some goodie cocktail with it... perhaps a Pina Colada? Yummmmmm! ;)
    Your Ariann is coming along so beautifully - lovely color too!

  11. Sorry you're not feeling so great. At least the knitting looks like it's going well!

  12. Oooooh, jealous, so jealous of your pineapple picking!!! Ariann is beautiful in your yarn choice. I liked the hedgie pattern--made one, bought fixin's for a second, but haven't started yet....hmmmm ;)
