Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Itarsia Knitted Cats, how I wish you could be knit in the round!

Boy I wish intarsia could be knit in the round! I love knitting in the round...anything to avoid seams. I also love starting hats and i-cords using the technique I learned from Maggie at Madrona in Tacoma. Another technique was to ladder up the gap with a crochet hook if too big a gap is formed in the back.

The task was to knit a grey cat. I used the Beaverslide. Oh how I love Beaverslide! Not only do I envision fluffy sheep keeping very warm despite the frigid Montana winters, but I love the way it smells. As I was not with it enough to get the matching cream colored 3 ply Fisherman's weight yarn, I used worsted Malabrigo. The main difference in the cats other the a small alteration in the face pattern, was I doubled the Malabrigo for the bigger cat and it, well, it came out bigger and also the grey on the back got smaller.

The i-cord beginning came in handy for the smaller cat tail, and the base of the bigger cat. There was no way to avoid having up to 3 balls of yarn at one point.

The vog came on strong and hard yesterday. It lingers still today.

I finally used some of the chocolate chips that have been calling to me from the freezer and made some chocolate chip scones. Yum! The boy was happy and took some off to school.


  1. nice kitties! chocolate chip scones sound too ono to forget - especially as i look out at this lovely rain slowly coming down.....

  2. so cute! and i have an order from beaverslide on its way to me now, and i can't wait! :)

  3. I'm to Totoro's belly button, or thereabouts. Had to do some Real Work so won't finish him today. Maybe tomorrow?

    You can do intarsia without seams if you knit backwards. Considered doing Totoro that way but decided to do that next time.

    The cats are fascinating! Love the i-cord!

  4. I love the Totoro's! Love, love, love them.

  5. i mean CATS.. CATS! not. totoros. oy vey. opal is brain dead.

  6. Love that curlicue tail on the bigger kitty. They are adorable and VERY catlike, especially their faces.

    Nice to see you tonight. I love the ring!

  7. those are just too cute!!!


    Want. Kitty. Pattern. NOW.

  9. I truly believe that at least one popoki should come to live at my house... you wouldn't miss him, would you? You would? Really???


    Pattern pattern pattern.... open open open...

  10. KAWAIIIIIIII! The current owner had told me about how cute they were, but a picture = thousand words and all that. !


  11. How CUTE!!! Those are great looking kitties/totoros! Very pretty, now I must try Beaverslide...
