Saturday, October 18, 2008

Still Retired, and Yup another Totoro, and More Project Bags

Thursday night The Cats went to their new home with May, creator extraordinaire of fantastic and alien forms. Sorry Mokihana!, but thanks for sharing Hawaiian word of the day, "popoki". Sandy, the beadlizard is testing out the Totoro pattern, so there is hope for a cat pattern.

I felt like a chatterbox at the Aloha Knitter's as I was riding high after my meeting with my financial planner. Or maybe it was the cupcake with the pound of frosting from Cake Couture? So why can I be happy after the meeting about finances? It isn't some sick humor on my part to be happy about watching my 401K diminish. Going back to work has been weighing heavily on me. The plan was for me to retire, take some time off and go back to work part time. Truth is, I'm having too much fun not working and I was really dreading it. Jobs are also pretty scarce right now. So the good news was, I'm good for the rest of the year and probably next year! Or at least until we all find out which way the market goes. The word is patience. He also advised me to exercise more, hah! I really tried to say "no" to the knittybird, but she had a coupon, so I confess I ate the Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia cone. And yum, it was outstanding. My resolve when if comes to ice cream is nil.

Emily and the Not so Wispy scarf, are crawling along, but I knit another Totoro, and a couple of strange little rabbits.

The heliconia bag is a swap meet/grocery bag, a slightly downsized version of Amy Butler's nappy bag. Having admired Kim's bag she was so kind to loan me the pattern. Being under 5 feet tall, I didn't want it to drag on the ground. I did not line it or do any pockets. It is still plenty big and I will be able to keep a dog in it, if I ever get a real one.

These two bags are for the shop. The Blue Butterfly bag is 15 x 12 inches, lined with yellow fabric and has a 9 inch zippered pocket, with machine embroidered trim. It says "Transform and be free, butterfly". The second is a black maneki cat small project bag with red lining. I think the new interfacing is going to work out! A double point needle storage roll is underway, with just the binding to go.


  1. I love the bags. Especially the Amy Butler knock off. If you ever start to sell those, let me know.

    I love the little amigurumi toys. Seeing yours is giving me the itch to get back to mine. :)

    Once again, congrats on not having to get back into the work force for the time being!

  2. Please, pretty please, send me your tail pattern? (Yes, I'm nagging.)

  3. Those bags are great! And I always love to see your totoros.

  4. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Your cats made the rounds at the photo shoot I was at yesterday. I love them. Thank you again for making them for me!! My b-friend will be lucky if he even get one of them for his birthday! (Oh and congratulations about the meeting with your financial planner. I've got to get to the meetings earlier so I can sit a little closer. Its noisy at Mocha Java.)
