Saturday, December 27, 2008

Rather long post with FOs

Yesterday there was thunder and lightening and the island had an island wide power outage. It was so dark. Luckily I found the crank flashlight and Kaiser flashlight and had bought a million candles when I was contemplating retirement as I thought candles would help me improve my mood. I even found the matches and batteries! The flashlight was given to all the providers at the last luncheon I attended in honor of one of our past presidents who had died of Parkinson's. His son told a touching story about his father's love of flashlights and how his dad always made sure he and all the children had a flashlight by their beside so they could find their way out in the dark.
My Hello Kitty radio which is always on the verge of going to Goodwill, came in handy again!
I was in the middle of making dinner when the power went out so we finished dinner on the grill and went to bed early. Power is almost completely restored to the whole island as I write this this evening.

In spite of the intermittent pouring rain today, my son tried out his new camera lens to document my recent projects.

I watched Firefly again and got inspired to make more Jayne Hats, this time the mini variety. I also can't stop humming the theme song...

Main Title Theme Written by: Joss Whedon
Performed by: Sonny Rhodes

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me
Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me
There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me...

Pattern: Jayne Cobb brooch by Eva MacDonald on craftster
Yarn: Lamb's Pride worsted
Needles: size 5 for smaller one, size 8 for larger one.
I am so sad Firefly never went on beyond Serenity.

That little blue Totoro is such a ham, but I think he just couldn't help nestling in the the cashmere!
Pattern: Palindrome by Kristin Bellehumeur
Yarn: 6ply 100% China Cashmere in coal, 3 skeins from Handknitting
Now I know why cashmere is such a luxury. It truly is not pokey at all! The pattern is remarkable as it is truly reversible. It was very easy and fast.

Opal lent me her blocking wires so I finally blocked feather and fan shawl. I love it and it is just the perfect size for me.

Here's a close up of the crocheted edge.

Another very clever pattern is the safed, veined leaf from the Tikkun Tree Project. It's a double knit leaf with veins. It fits perfectly on Take2!

Pattern: Habitat hat by Jared Flood
Yarn: Cascade Venezia, silk merino, one skein
Needles: size 8. smaller for the ribbing.

The photo did not come out too well. It is finished and drying now. The yarn is smooth and very soft with slight sheen and drape. I definitely will use it again. This pattern is well-written and satisfied my desire for cables.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Get ready for the New Year!


  1. Ooh - I love everything. I think the Pez hats might be my favorites. Grin. Thanks for the link to Jared's hat. I just made 3 of his Turn a Square hats and this one looks like another great pattern. The leaf is intriguing... maybe a bunch of them could make a great Thanksgiving centerpiece?

    Happy New Year to you, too!

  2. Happy Holidays! You certainly have been busy and productive :) I love the feather and fan shawl, it turned out just beautifully. Your totoro are such good models ^..^

  3. I'm glad to hear you weathered the power outage all right.

    I'm loving the mini-Jayne hat!! Too cute. And the theme song to Firefly is one of my all-time favorite songs. :)

    Your shawl looks fabulous! Happy New Year! I hope to see you soon. :)

  4. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I heard about your power outage on the news. I'm going to buy myself a flashlight tomorrow after reading your post! Good to be ready for anything.
    I just love the little pez hats!

  5. i have to make this hat one day! do cool. i heard about thr power outages on the island. thank goodness hello kitty was still working and you are safe and sound.

  6. Those mini Jayne hats are so cute. Are those Pez dispensers?!
