Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! New Years is a big holiday here in Hawaii. The whole state goes wild with the fireworks. My neighborhood was lit up with aerials of all colors. The bombs lit up the sky with a lightning like flash and burst with a very loud sound. No sleeping early for me.

I ate my mochi soup and black beans to start off the New Year. This is the 4th year I made my own mochi in my mochi machine and I can say it is getting easier. I just haven't gotten very good at getting the beans inside. Anyway, my family and I like them in the ozoni soup and toasted. I toasted this one, and even though it made a face at me, I ate it anyway.

I found this cute baby hat pattern and the plan is to use up the Lamb's Pride stash to knit hats for charity. I'm not sure if Lamb's Pride is the best for a baby, but that's what the recipe calls for.

Speaking of hats. I finally got a better picture of Habitat. My lovely niece looks great in anything she puts on!

Hawaii has had quite a bit of rain lately. Today the sun was out and the beach was beautiful. Nuuanu Stream, behind my folk's house was full and muddy. All the rain makes for very happy plants:)
I noticed my mom has planted many of her pointsettias in the garden and this year they bloomed quite nicely next to the pink torch ginger.

My friend blogless Kathy, who is in to feng shui said it was going to be a hard year for rabbits (that's me born in a rabbit year) so I should have a blue rhino in my corner for support. The power of suggestion drove me to obsess on having a blue rhino, a knitted one at that, and so I knit this one. Number 2 son pointed out that this indeed is a blue hippo and not a blue rhino. I guess I don't get any points for that. The only rhino pattern I can find is in World of Toys. I could swear I own that book, but where is it? I think hippos are cuter then rhino. Perhaps I should just knit him a horn or two.

The ancient cat Lovey was a little suspicious of the blue interloper in her little basket. My folks have tried all kinds of nicer baskets but she prefers this one. She never looks that comfortable in it, imo.

knittybird and I went to see Twilight. It followed the book pretty well. It was fun if not a bit mushy. Not yer Underworld/30 Days of Night kind of vamps.


  1. habitat is gorgeous and toasted mochi looks ono! right now it's raining in kaneohe near midnight and i think i better turn off this computer and go sleep - tomorrow is a shopping day for me, my sister and youngest dd are spending some christmas $ at ala moana....

  2. Happy New Year! Love the pictures - especially of your niece and your kitty. Both are adorable.

  3. lovey looks darling in her basket with the hippo. your niece looks lovely in habitat!

    happy new year, barb!

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Glad to see you made mochi! I need to learn about your mochi-making system since otherwise the only experience I know is the big event I participated in last year at the Wahiawa mission. I miss having ozoni as we did last year but this year i made two black-eyed pea dishes, also good for New Year's. Love the hippo, tho i must agree that a horn or two is a quick and necessary fix to the species mixup. ; ). Happy new year!

  5. Happy New Year to you! I got my Beaverslide yarn so I will bring it to the next SNB this week! :)

  6. ahhhh, so cute sleeping with it.
