Friday, January 21, 2011

Handspun Kitty

Blogless Sandy and I are having fun learning to spin. An Opalism (after the Hyperactive Monkey who is our mentor) is "never buy only 2 oz of roving". Now that I've spun some yardage, I understand why. What can you do with only a few yards of anything? Thus the mini-cat. The brown yarn in this mini-cat (4 inches tall) amounted to ~36 yards. One single is bamboo merino, and the other single is merino. I used every bit the yarn up. The white is some bandless ball of cream stuff. I knit him up on size 2 needles using Brownie the Cat pattern (link on side bar). His eyes are needle felted on. I was trying for the yellow/green eyes like my folks cat. Perhaps he needs a mouth.


  1. sandy4:20 AM

    I like him just the way he is.

  2. He is so sweet! And yes, 2 oz of anything may be easy on the wallet, but you'll always wish you had 2 more. :)
