Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Totoro has a shelf at Windward Mall!!!

Totoro are pretty rare around town when compared to Ms. Kitty, so I was happy to discover he has part of a shelf at Animation Magic in Windward Mall. Good thing world domination is not part of Totoro's philosophy as it is common knowledge one shelf leads to another.

Today was a spinning day. I got to work with my Bosworth Drop spindle on SW merino wool/cashmere sample from Corgi Hill Farm. It was most luscious and the spindle is more than!!! I am going to order another Bosworth spindle. Blogless Sandy and I both worked on our plain white stuff...a little boring, but we agree we both love our Majacraft wheels. She made the best lunch of Chinese chicken salad and pork roast with lavender rub. As we say here in Hawaii...onolicious! I even went home with leftovers for dinner! Thank you!

Sandy has a very sweet kitty named Koa and a fish named Cupcake.
Sandy's cat, Koa

A surprise was waiting when I got home. Polwarth Roving by Woolgathering in the mail from the Knitted Brow herself, in these great blues. I've really been wanting to try some. Thank you, Kim!

On the knitting seen, are wips and more wips. I had dropped Lacey hoodie in the ugh pile, but keep getting it out as it seems the least of the all the other evil wips. It's all the mods (knitting in the round and leaving out the ribbing) I tried to do and the fact that I am really short some yarn. It was chilly here last night so I caught myself wearing it even though it has only one sleeve. The sleeves came out like giant bells.