Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Capturing Random Moments

Acorns from Kim's yard, hickory nut from the Atlanta History Center, Azurite ball from Burnie's Rock Shop in Madison, Wisconsin. The little tiny acorn is a favorite of squirrels and Mr. Cricket so very few were left.

I didn't see too many mushrooms on my short walks, but found this spiky white one in Georgia, and these creepy black ones emerging from the pine needles in Wisconsin.

My first purchase at SAFF, a support acorn drop spindle. I'm not sure I'll spin on it, but it is just sooo cute!

I purchased the dyed Cotswald/Romney mix and was gifted the Finn and purple fiber. I found some curly locks that will be fun to play with.
Mr. Cricket, fast asleep, letting it all hang out;) I didn't know dogs slept like that, lol.

Flora mosaic
A street in St. Paul. I love the older homes and the tall trees that line the streets!

Those red trees-a photo just doesn't do them justice.

Back to work (which is still crazy, btw) and back to living in the moment!


  1. Acorns are STILL raining down on us!

  2. That is a cute spindle! Lovely pictures of your visits :)

  3. sandy4:55 AM

    Did you bring back a bunch of acorns?..maybe for Christmas decorations? Let me know how that support spindle works. Looks cool!
