Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall Musings

Yikes. Christmas is just around the corner and the Christmas knitting has not yet begun. I'm looking for inspiration. There are 3 babies, but somehow Christmas stockings just don't sound interesting. Maybe I have to hang out in the yarn store to get inspired. Cruising Ravelry I just keep printing out hat patterns. They take little yarn and go quickly. But no one on my list needs any more hats:(
Knotty but Nice, free hat pattern from Knitty for example (picture from Knitty web site), or Cabled Tam, free from Drops Designs (site is slow to connect to at times)

My hours at work will probably get cut as a new regular MD has been hired. He is still training and as far as I know I'm on the schedule through December. It's a mixed blessing as a paycheck sure is nice, but I'm fortunate to be in a position not to work much as I am "retired". I find it much easier to have healthy behaviors such as eating healthy (I'm a confessed stress-snacker), living in the moment and exercising, and I certainly sleep better when not working. I find I have more time and energy to "create" when I can "slow down to Nature's pace". The house and yard get more attention as well. My semi-launched adult child gets a little too used to having meals regularly cooked, though, but starving him hasn't been incentive enough for him to move out, lol. In truth, he is usually easy to live with and he can lift heavy things. Oh yes and of course there is Words with Friends which would be more of a time suck if I had more people to play with.

My next big trip will be to New York City. I can cross two things off my bucket list! New York City and the Met. I have tickets to the Ring Cycle in the spring. While not a huge opera fan, this particular story is fascinating and I will be going with blogless Marlies who is a devout Ring fan and has seen it many times.

So I'm trying to pick a few must see things in New York City. Any recommendations are appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Inky Dinky hat and/or jacket by Anne Hanson makes a lovely baby or toddler gift and is quick to make.

    Woolly Wormhead has e-books for babies, Wee Woolly Toppers, and toddlers, Bambeanies, both with some seriously cute hats and check out Tot-Toppers.
