Gansey Progress

I have one sleeve and the neck done on my gansey and one sleeve to go. I might have to shorten the sleeve but I haven't decided yet. I could have knit one size smaller but it has been a lot of fun so far. As I have limited places to wear this in Hawaii, unless I plan to drive up to the top of Haleakala, (All text and images copyright 1999, Steven K. Goldsmith) I envision wearing this on a trek to Whidbey Island or Madison, Wisconsin, where this crazy Hawaiian has gone for the winter.

The Beaverslide mule-spun yarn has a nice hearty feel and smell to it. It is not next to the skin soft, but not really as scratchy as I thought it would be. My washed swatch felt even better, so I'm thinking this gansey will be even better after a good soak...but first the other sleeve!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Confessions of the knitting book junkie

Part of the definition of addiction includes searching behavior. So, when Stacey mentioned a possibility that Nicky Epstein's two edge books might still be on special at the Kahala Mall Barnes and Nobles I actually drove there to hunt them down. I was too late to find them, BUT...I did find, Knits for Barbie Doll
by the same author Nicky Epsein, with the magic 75% off sticker!!! I will endeavor to stay out of book stores. I have no more gift cards!
I still have my Tammy Be True who is a little bigger then Barbie...hmmm. I must have been deprived as a child if I still want to play with dolls.

On the actual knitting front, I was seriously thinking of abandoning the gansey, but, after reading Chris's terror tale of frogging and reknitting Kiri, I feel like I just can't wimp out when the going gets tough. I found some size nine circulars at Ben Franklin's and will knit on!

Monday, January 23, 2006


Obsessing often leads to shopping and hanging out in Barnes and Noble with a gift card leads to purchases, it's some kind of law. I not only found this book on Andean folk knitting with a nice mitten pattern but also got one the the "edge" books.

Back on the knitting front, I was stumped by lack of size nine dp needles or I would have jumped ship and started on some other projects. I could do nothing but make progress on the now emerging giant gansey. I'm working on the neck before tackling the sleeves. The great thing about the construction is there are no seams!

I finished a bow scarf in the never ending icky brown stuff, and will post pictures when I sew in the ends.

I was also amazed by The Giving Flower's yummy food stitch markers! I wanna eat those chocolate chips! (I'm not sure why I can't link directly to that page, but hit the home button)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sucked In

Sucked into family, sucked in to work, sucked in to this sweater. OMG, I'm sucked into my life!

This sweater is poking a long. It doesn't look like I've made much progress, but I've knit half the gusset, and have a few inches on the front or back whichever it turns out to be. Sorry for the dark picture. It is a dark yarn. The wonderful Ms. Lolly of Socktober fame collects pomegranates and, surprise, I collect acorns and Totoros. So I will take this moment in the craft void to display a few! They make me happy!

I'm stumped on what yarn to use for the Twosheeps DNA scarf. I want to be able to the feel the yarn before I buy it, and so far the Internet has let me down on that one. I have an intended recipient in mind and I think luxurious is the way to go, but the yarn has to be able to show up the incredible design.

I am enamored with The Giving Flower's and helloyarn's mittens. I have a lovely red DK wool in red, but only black or green to contrast. Sigh, I suffer from stash deficiency syndrome (closet full of yarn, just not the right fiber/feel/color or gauge).

I was kind of burned out on the idea of traveling, but, the yarn supplies here are scarce. Perhaps in the fall :) I am saving up those points now!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

What's Bloomin'

While talking to my sister this morning I glanced out on the patio and noticed some flowers blooming. My plants have to be hearty and self sufficent and so when they bloom I'm really very happy:)
On the knitting front, I am into the second ball of my Fisherman's sweater. The color doesn't photograph well at all. The color is a very dark green, so the seed stitch pattern is more of a stealth pattern. It is fun to do, though. I have been reflecting on my color choices. Am I turning into my grandma? I asked once what color she would like and she said (Japanese accent) "Gu-ray, goo-ru caw-ra." I'm contemplating a lighter color for my next cardigan/pullover project.

I went to Yarn and Friend's yesterday in search of sturdier needles to make this sweater and also to pet some yarn. There was quite a crowd there. When I got home the mailman brought me Modular Knits.

Lots of fun projects in there.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

This and that, and not much knitting.

I searched all over my book closet for my origami books and the Internet looking for a cute dog for My Little Mochi's postcard swap, but to no avail. All the dogs I found were not to my liking. So, what with postage going up in few days, I decided I should send a few holiday greetings, thank you notes, pay a few bills and try to whip up those last few late gifts. This proved a bit tough as I got hit with a virus and my head felt like it was going to explode.

I found some great templates at Mirkwood Designs and a origami card on this card making site.. And this is what I came up with.

I was introduced to rubber stamping by a very lovely lady who really taught me a lot about generosity and kindness. She is one of my heros. I needed a few more stamping classes, though, but I keep a few stamps and a very small collection of inks, papers and such as well as my origami paper from my short attempts at making paper dolls from chiyogami paper. The Japanese make wonderful paper. AITOH Co. lists quite few different types. I was gifted this card which I so love because of all the detail and great colors.

Another craft I might take some classes in one of thest days.

BTW, Turner Classic Movies is playing several of Hayao Miyazaki's films this week. His full length animated movies include My Neighbor Totoro, and many others. The films have be purchased by Disney and many have been released in the USA with dubbed and subbed versions.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Life after Broadripple

I finished Broadripple socks. I'm not sure what made the little pump bump on the back of each ankle. They feel wonderful and as they are a little long for me they should fit my friend fine. It's amazing to my how much color variation there is in the two pictures. The color matches the photo on the left. I used Koigu KPPPM and size 3 needles.

I got the Totoro tissue cover for Christmas. My wonderful friend Kathy enables my addiction by ordering these things from ebay. I treated myself to the solar Kitty head bobbler. Pink supposedly is for love. Might come in hand one of these days. The great big pile of alpine green Beaverslide yarn was going to be for my Rogue, but I can't get gauge. The Knitting Doctor made a wonderful Rogue with the same yarn, but I've given up on it. I misplaced the Ann Norling pattern recommended by Brenda, but after cleaning my room, heh, found it and the gauge is not right for that pattern, either (can you tell I don't want to think too hard?) I think I'll try it out for the Muted Muscian Gansey from Knitting Ganseys by Beth Brown-Reinsel. It looks like the gauge I want and there are no cables. This yarn had almost a felted feel to it and would be difficult to twist.

Well, one day of Kona weather and today it was drizzley and cold. I'm putting on some handknit socks :)