Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of JulY!

Happy 4th of July!

Pineapple 3 picked itself, by falling over. I think it is the sweetest one so far. Pineapple 4 is ready already, but I'll pick it tomorrow and share it at work.

The Bee Man came yesterday to study my bees. Unfortunately for them they took up in the wall by the front door and could not be removed intact without major carpentry required. While listening to the bees, he heard a larger critter, darn, probably a rat. Sigh. The trials and tribulations of home ownership. At least it's outside, but I know they get up the double walls into the attic and was starting to get suspicious some had found their way in. Every 10 years or so, those crafty critters find their way in.

I finished knitting and felting Mr. Hedgehog. I want to needle felt his eyes and nose but for the life of me haven't located needle felting needles anywhere on this rock. I bet Isle Knits has them, but Sue is not open today as far as I can tell. Maybe I'll end up with plastic eyes. I didn't have enough brown yarn so made two white feet. It took 10 minutes to felt in the washer. The short row shaping of the back was very cleverly designed IMO.


  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I have felting needles! I can bring them to the meeting tomorrow, if you like. I remember seeing felting needles at Sue's the last time I was there, and hers are safer than mine (they come with the big plastic handle).

  2. mr hedgehog looks so cute even sans a complete face! yummm, that pineapple looks sweet! we had about 5 that got ripe all at the same time and we gobbled them up - they were small like lanai pineapple and so sweeeet!

  3. What's his name? You must have whipped this project out in secret.

  4. Anonymous7:25 PM

    You had me almost jumping out of my chair with that pic of the pineapple - my gosh, how delicious! I can perfectly well imagine how sweet and yummy it is - and I still have troubles deciding whether I'd eat it pure, as it is, or use it for a Pina Colada ;)
    And that cute little hedgehog - I just adore it!
    I'm sorry about the bee-problems you're having - I admit that I'm scared as hell of bees and wasps and the likes and I'd probably go insane having lots of them so close to me. Good luck with getting rid of them!

  5. Anonymous9:00 PM

    LOVE the hedgehog. My dog has a special fondness for hedgehog toys, though I'm not about to knit him one so he can chew it up! ;)

  6. Anonymous4:28 AM

    you could also just satin stitch the eyes...i bet that would work! that pineapple looks so yummy that i just about drooled on my keyboard.

  7. so cute! I love the felted hedgehogs, on my (long) list of things to knit someday!

  8. i have felting needles too! darn! i should have read through my bloglines yesterday...
    maybe i have time to drive home and get them...?
    haha...and i bought the ones at sue's that kai is talking about.

  9. mr. hedgehod is adorable! i hope you bring him tonight so i can adore him in person. :-)

  10. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I love Mr. Hedgehog! He is so cute! And he looks so different than he looked a week ago!

  11. MMmmmm pineapple! One of my favs. *drool*

    Mr. Hedgy is too cute, even without the face!


  12. ah man, too much I want to comment about in such a short time. Mr. Hedgehog will bring love and a smile to anyone who has one. He has a cute face. Whoooooo baby...I spy pineapple!! I would change my vacation time right now and hop on a plane right over to you. You have got a lot of fun things going on.
