Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy 2007!

Pattern: Sharp Fingerless Gloves
Yarn: Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran, less then one ball, (Cascade Pastazza work well, too)
Needles: size 7, set of for DP or two circulars if you prefer
Size: small women (wrist about 6 inches)

twisted rib: K into back of second stitch on left needle and leave on needle. K into front of skipped stitch on left needle and slip both stitches off
M1F: From the front, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into front of loop.
M1B: From the back, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into front of loop
PM: place marker

CO 30 stitches, divide on 3 needles and join, without twisting.
Row 1 and 2: *P1,K1,P1,K2* repeat around
Row 3: *P1,K1,P1, twisted rib* repeat around

Repeat these 3 rows until there are 3 twists.

Row10 and 11: K2,P1,K2,P1,K6,P1,K2,P1,K6,P1,K2,P1,K4
Row 12: K2,P1,twisted rib,K6,P1,twisted rib,P1,K6,P1,twisted rib,P1,K4

Repeat these 3 rows until there are 3 twists
Row 18:

Thumb gusset
K9 **
PM,incease into next stitch by knitting in front and back then slip off,PM (two stitches between marker)
Knit next round and every other row in pattern.
Increase until you have 10 stitches between the markers by. M1F after first marker and M1B before the next marker, Place the gusset stitches on a holder.

**For the alternate glove, instructions are the same, except start K8

Join and knit around continuing pattern for two more twists.
K1P1 rib, decreasing one stitch at top of thumb on the first row. Continue rib for 5 rows then cast off in rib.

put 10 stitches back on 2 needles. pick up 3 more stitches with the 3rd need at the top of the thumb opening and knit in stockinette stitch for 3 rows.
K1P1 rib, decreasing one stitched at top of thumb for two rows, bind out in rib.

Weave in ends.

Totoros think they make fine tree stumps.

PS: Everyone is tagged to do the New Years meme

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Rogue Alive!

from The Girl From Auntie
Yarn: Jo Sharp Silk Road Aran Tweed in color Tartan (more like the top picture), Wool/silk/Cashmere
Needles: size 6 and 7
Hems: Tried the diagonal on the bottom and 1x1 rib on the sleeves
Size: smallest

I loved this knit. I thought I had gauge but did not have perfect row gauge. If I had my druthers it would be a little longer. I added several rows to make the sleeves long enough. It is modeled unblocked and looks amazing on both my my sister and her mom. Blocking may have added the length I needed. The pattern is very clever and well written. I also loved working with this yarn. It was extremely cuddly, soft and warm. The few little pokey twigs came out easily. My sister who it is for, and her daughter who is the model, and I all loved the color and the yarn. It might be a good idea to block the hood as I read about how to eliminate the small "ears" after I have seamed the hood.

I feel so lucky to have very slim women who live in cold places to knit for as I can use less yarn, heh. They are carrying away some of my other knits, Coronet Hat in Lamb's Pride Bulky Fuschia and Cascade Pastaza Braid Cable Wristlets with matching hat(not shown), STR neck sock and Noro Diagonal scarf.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mele Kalikimaka 2006

santos posted about this gingerbread and I ran out and got the cookbook, The Breakfast Book, by Marion Cunningham. The gingerbread (more of a cake) was delicious! I tried the Gingersnap cookies which impressed even my visiting sister, the one who's culinary expertise is legendary.

May all your knittin' be merry, and bright.
May all your stitchin' be tiny and tight.
And may all your cookin' be tasty and great.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Bathroom Sushi and a bit of Wierdness

I was tagged by Rachel with a meme.

6 weird things about me

“THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”

Well I will tag Puanani and Kim with this meme. Okay, I know that's only two.

Weird thing #1. I live in the same house I grew up in.

Weird thing #2. I can only read novels when I'm on vacation. When I'm not on vacation, I can only seem to read craft magazines and books, especially knitting books, and work-related journals.

Wierd thing #3. I have never been outside of America.

Weird thing #4. I was taught Mandarin Chinese from 4th to 12th grade by the same teacher, but alas, I remember little having not used it.

Weird thing #5. I am a terrible letter writer, but I love email!

Weird thing #6. I'm mostly Asian, with a bit of Spanish, but I like my sashimi cooked!. (Which is to say I don't like sashimi) I do, however love natto.

Which reminds me that my niece always gets mad when people get sashimi and sushi mixed up. She also gets mad when people say shushi instead of sushi. And that brings me to...

Bathroom Sushi
Pattern by Kai
A variation found at diy Network

I learned how to do a yf increase. Where has that one been all my life? Mine came out a bit snug. I am a tight knitter. While knitting with Opal at Mocha Java the other night, a guy came up and told me he grew up in house where every bathroom had a toilet paper cozy, but the rule was the toilet paper was not to be used! Surely that can't be the rule. I thought this was the emergency spare:)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Something Sparkly

I took the Rainbow Crystal bracelet class and finished this bracelet for my sister's birthday/Christmas gift. She likes very sparkly things and can get away with wearing big, honking clasps like the periodot flower. It is so tuff to get good photos of crystals.

The sky at dusk was full of incredible clouds.

It made up for the damage the wind did to my fence.

Knit a Totoro (The primitives)

Added 1/19/2011: I often get asked if this is the Totoro pattern I use now. The answer is no. I usually do not use a pattern, and no two are alike. Some time after knitting these early ones, I discovered needle felting and not use that for the facial features.

A couple party Totoro's showed up yesterday. The green Koigu hat is actually one of Saartje's flowers turned upside down. I was too lazy to knit holes for the ears, but maybe next time.

I finally got around to checking and rewriting the pattern as the old version was messed up.

Needles: set of 4 DP
Size 1-2 for sock yarn, 7-8 for bulky/worsted

Inc=knit in front and back, slip stitch off the needle

Back and head:
CO 9 sts. Join, place marker
1-and all odd rows except row 5, knit
2-k1, Inc in the next 8 stitches. (17 stitches)
4-k2, inc in next stitch, then * K1, inc in next stitch*, repeat between * all around. (25 st.)
6-K9, inc 1, k6, inc 1, k8 (27 st)
8-K1, Inc 1, k7, inc 1 in next 2 st, k6, inc 1 in next 2 st, k7, inc 1 in last st (33 st)
10-K1, Inc 1, k9, inc 1 in next 2 st, k8, inc 1 in next 2 st, k9, inc 1 in last st (39 st)
14-K1, K2tog, knit until two stitches remain, then ssk.
Repeat rows 14 and 15 until 19 stitches remain

Next row-K1, * K2tog, K5, K2tog *, Repeat between * around (15 st)
Next row-K2tog, Knit around (14 st)
Next row- * K2tog, K3, K2tog *, Repeat between * around (10 stitches

Knit last row Cut yarn. Thread tail through stitches, stuff and draw up tight.

Use starting tail to close up hole on base.

Arms: Cast on 8 st. Join. Work in in stock st, work 7 rows. Divide stitches on two needles. Double bind off. This end is sewed to body. Use black yarn to embroider claws if desired.

Ears: Cast on 3 st. Work as I-cord for 2 rows. Continue as I-cord, but inc in middle stitch.. Work as I-cord for 1 rows. Then K1, ssk, K1. Last row, K1, ssk, then cut yarn and thread through st.
Draw up the thread to bottom so it is opposite the starting thread. Use tails to sew down the ears. The size of the ears will have to be adjust depending on how big the Totoro is.

Tail: CO 15 st. Join. Stock st for 4 rows. K2tog both ends. Stock st 4 rows. K2tog both ends. P next row. K2tog both ends. P next row. K2 tog, both end and in the middle. Gather up remaining st., stuff then sew to body.
Alternately pick up the stitches directly on the body and knit in the round.
Eyeball the placement, and pick up 13-15 stitches. When the tail seems long enough, k2 tog, k1 one row, then k2 together all around until about 8 stitches are left, and thread through the tail stuff before pull up and bury tails.

Optional bib:
CO 6 (or pick up 6 on of the front garter stitches, center over the front)
Work back and fourth stock st for 3 rows.
K1, M1, K4, M1, K1
Purl one row
K1, M1, K6, M1, K1
Work stock stitch for 7 rows.
K1, ssk, k4,K2tog, K1
Purl one row
Bind off. Sew done to front, stuff lightly if you want.

5 Apply eyes of your choice
*Another way to do the arms, tail and ears is to use DP needles and pick up st. directly on the body and knit in the round. Stuff the tail before drawing it shut. The stitches are easier to place if you stuff the body before picking up the stitches. You may need fewer stitches. Anything to reduce the dread seamingJ

Monday, December 11, 2006

Little Pleasures

Pattern: Coronet Hat from Knitty
Yarn: Lamb's Pride Bulky in Fuschia
I hope my niece will like the color as it is a far departure from my usual palette. Rachel made a couple of these already. I followed the pattern and picked up stitches on the wrong side. It leaves a little ridge at the top which worked okay, but probably would look okay the picking up stitches on the right side. It's still drying. It will be very cozy and I think my niece can make of use of it in Chicago, Brrrr! It was a fun knit, and I love the yarn!

This Cascade Pastaza started out as OSW and while knitting it I couldn't help but go "ick". I think it will be perfect as a Shaker Rib Hat and I think I have enough. The cable in the Warm Braid Cable Wristwarmers did not show up too well. I think if I had photographed it a smaller resolution, I would not have so much resizing artifact. /The hairy mohair didn't help, either. My son was gracious enough to model them.

Growing up in Hawaii, one of my favorite treats after a long day at the beach was Shave Ice. For years we went to Uptown Sundries on School street between Liliha and Nuuanu. Later, it changed to B & S and moved down the street, and now it has a brand new name. I haven't been there yet. This is a picture of the Shave Ice from Gyotaku. The ice is not fine like I would like but the the azuki bean cap (Japanese Chocolate, my dad always said) was tasty and so was the strawberry syrup. Now I have to get my little pleasure at Waiola. Maybe when my sister is in town, we will try the new place.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Crafty Weekend

I went over to my friends house and we had regular Christmas earring factory going on. She had acquired some very fine beads for trees and Christmas ornaments and she assembled and I wrapped. It was great fun. These are just some that I brought home.

I took a class at The Bead Gallery called Eternity Expressions. It starts with 10 gauge fine silver wire which is formed into giant jump rings then fused with a creme brulee torch. After that I get to pound it flat, marked then buffed. The final ring can be worn on a chain or ribbon. I might make a key ring out of one too.

Last but not least, I finished these
Lace Wings Fixation Anklets for my apple green loving sister. I loved this fast, simple pattern.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Norovember, 25 days Until Christmas!

The latest Totoro is posing with my son's flowers. He ruptured his appendix on Saturday and just came home yesterday. People from work sent him this lovely candy bouquet. I being the mom worried and lost sleep and I'm so grateful he is smiling and joking around again. Totoro is smiling, too...I think he ate all the candy, yummy dark, Nestle's chocolate.

Needless to say, the knitting and blogging took a back seat to the real life drama. I found knitting with Noro in this repeat Diagonal Scarf from Acorn Street pattern, made me happy as the different colors bloomed. These two balls were nothing like each other, and the end result was quite different then the first Diagonal Scarf I made.

I managed a cozy for my humongous mp3 player out of the handspun-hand-dyed mohair from Kai. I started the bottom like a toe up sock and made an attached icord at the top. I tried making a Kumihimo cord but the mohair would not hold up the bobbins and kept breaking, so now I have to decide on a cord. I like the way the oranges turned out.

And here it is, on the verge of December. 25 Days:) Thanks everyone for your well-wishes.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I See Cork People

While traversing the acorn forest with his Chinese cousin, Corky came to realize that only he saw cork people!

Pattern from Manne, translated by SaartjeKnits. Yarn from Kai, obtained during the great Aloha Knitter giveaway, 100% handspund/dyed mohair. I was surprised to find that some "corks" are synthetic now. I erased the markings with sandpaper. And no, I did not drink 5 bottles of wine, knitters honor!

Thank you for all your well wishes. I am now at the stage of this cold where I think I may live and don't feel the need to whine constantly.

Knitting Iris had the most fun post about acorns. I am now obsessing on the Wee Folk.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Stitcher Markers

While stewing in viremia yesterday I watched Battlestar Galactica while working on Rogue sleeves. I had decided nothing fancy, knit 2 at once on straight needles, use the k1p1 rib facing instead of the bias hem, don't knit it up and all would well. Well I did the turning row on the wrong side. I finished the graph and am trying to convince myself that the hem will turn okay. Well I keep thinking of Elizabeth Zimmerman and her saying that if something can be knit in the round it should be. It must be karma, that I messed up the turning row. I am meant to knit the sleeves in the round. But, frogging is so hard to psych up for sometimes, especially since JoSharp Silk Aran Road may shred while frogging.

Just like it is karma I'm sick. I whined so much about work lately I no doubt brought it on myself. I took my flu shot and all, so I don't know what happened.
Must be the negative energy I generated.

I got out the old pliers and made some stitch markers. A girl can't have too many of those, you know, and it they sparkle, all the better! I will channel that positive energy in and hope to be well in time for Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for:)

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Trying to Buy Inspiration

My new yarn purchases are all in. Lamb's pride for a hat, probably Knitty's Coronet Hat like Rachel is knitting. The Jo Sharp in black is for Cherry
a project instigated by one of my fellow Aloha Knitters. I plan to make it for my hair stylist who is a very tiny woman. Yay! The Rowanspun wool in DK and 4 ply are just some impulse buys that are destined for some unknown Aran sweater. Hope I bought enough. I scored the handspun mohair in the great color from Kai. I don't know what it's going to be. The Mission Falls wool was from Shteeni's Destash. I suspect it will be fingerless mittens or perhaps a Clapotini. I hope some of my jewelry sold at the craft fair my friend took it to. That will help balance all this mad spending!

I have knit very little since casting on Rogue's two sleeves. Work has been no fun at all, I'm coming down with a cold and I'm still trying to put back all the stuff I got out of the craft room for the bathroom fix. At least I got all the Lego's washed. My sister is going back home tonight. Last night we all had great Pho at the Green Papaya at King and Dillingham in Kalihi. Today she made her famous cheeseball and also raspberry margarita's in the Magic Bullet. We also did some shop therapy at the Aloha Stadium Swap meet. I picked up some Hello Kitty cel phone charms I never seem to have enough of, and a couple of crosses to make rosaries with. It was a beautiful day.

There was some action around the yard. Bird of Paradise was blooming. It has stuggled in this location but blooms anyway. I don't know if it's the runoff from above, too wet or the shade. The seed pods fascinated me as a child. They are such an outrageous shape and color...round black seed with bright orange tuft.

Starfruit, or carambola, is such a beautiful fruit. It's just hard to give away. There are a few people who really like it, but mostly I just like the shape when it is cut up. My neighbors tree is loaded right now.

It's time for the purple orchid to go crazy blooming. The longan tree is fruitless again but has become home to lots of moss and staghorn ferns.

And there it goes, another day closer to Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ramblings of Analysis Paralysis

There has been a dearth of knitting and crafting of any sort at my place. Blue Skye bear has been frogged, Noro wristlets have been frogged, and Rogue lays neglected and and sleeveless in his little basket.

My sister flew in today and as my folks are remodeling, she asked to stay with me. Yikes! Cleaning frenzy! I let go of the Nintendo Power magazines, cleaned out the remnants of son number 1 and put on the topper for the hard as a rock bed. I am washing the Legos which have collected dust. I must have a billion or two. I have a whole drawer full to go. Luckily they have a new home.

I'm beginning to eye my bag ladies and wondering if it's time for them to retire from the bag business.

I discovered today that I have been forgetting to pluck my eyebrows. Yish, whoever invented that bit of torture!

I was trying to dazzle blogdom with a sunset in paradise, but by the time I found the camera, the sun was down.

What does it all mean? I can ponder and introspect, or I can just go to bed.

At least I knocked a few thing off the to do list. I filled out the insurance form, bought stamps, called the plumber, and "organized".

And my sister came in and brought be a Bullet ! Can whipped cream, salsa and margaritas be far behind?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Tofu Salad

1 block of tofu, cut into cubes
1 sm. can of red salmon, remove skin and bones if you like, crumbled
1/2 sliced round onion (sweet onions to taste)
2 tomatoes, chopped
chopped watercress
Layer in pan or bowl in order.

Heat dressing to boiling then pour over.
scant 1/2 cup of soy sauce
1 clove crushed garlic
1/4 cup salad oil
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon mirin

Garnish with
toasted sesame seeds
green onions (scallions) if you like

My grandma from Maui used to make this. It lends itself to many variations.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

More Totoro adventures with Handspinning

Now that Socktober is over, sigh, I am in project limbo. I started the Blue Sky bear, but the yarn from my stash in very uninspiring and I can't seem to pick it up even though it has only one leg to go.
I washed and dried my first spindle full of yarn spun from the blue roving on my Ashford drop spindle from the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival. I experimented with some shaping and knit on ears, but I think other ears have been better. The large one really has more cat-like ears. At least Totoros do not make fun of other Totoros, they are just not like that. I toyed with the idea of felting the Totoro...maybe another time.
I received a really nice gift from the world's best hair stylistMisa, at Paul Brown Honolulu. She returned from her trip to Japan with a hand towel, paperclip jar and bag charm. They are just too cute.

Hmmm, what can I make for Norovember with two balls of Silk Garden?

Monday, November 06, 2006


Pattern: The Giving Flower

This was my first fish. The pattern was very clear and had nice illustrations. I sewed the eyeballs on wrong the first time giving him a very mixed up look. Luckily the stitch witchery came off and I applied stuffed felt eyes with buttons. I haven't decided on the strap yet. I used some black brush denim from my stash. Under the fins are pockets. How very clever:)

In order to get these buttons, I was forced to stop at Ben Franklin, where of course I found the last pair of dp needles in any size, which just happened to be size 10.5, the size I needed. I also purchased Pursenalities and 2 skeins of Cascade 220, all in under 15 minutes. Is that not impulse spending or what?

I came across a Destash. Shteeni is selling her stash so she can take up spinning and walk in the The Avon 2 Day Breast Cancer Walk.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Swimming with the Fishes

Jess Hutchinson Odd Man, swimming with his yellow friend in the STR Sea.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Soggy Wednesday

Today is was one of those days. Maybe it was the fact that I have to back to work tomorrow, or maybe it was the fact that it is humid beyond belief today, I don't know. My refrigerator project has been dragging on. The person installing it measured wrong and had to some dry wall surgery...then there is the priming and the painting, and all that. This is the second day he said he would come (actually a pattern for him) but he didn't show up. I drove over the Pali for my massage which was a little bit of heaven:). On the way back, the traffic was detoured as the mountain on the other side of the Pali tunnel fell down and the whole road was closed. I tried another road but it was closed. I then missed my turn and got on H3 instead of Likelike. The water was coming off the mountains in huge waterfalls, always an awesome sight. There were dozens of them!

My craft room project (was to become a bedroom, now going back to the craft room) is nearly done, but I need a 28.5 inch tall something to hold up the other side of my table (a board with a cut out for my sewing machine. I looked at those nifty folding sewing desks, but at 700-1000 dollars, I decided the ole board would do. But no luck. I set up my sewing machine on a table and made the Amy Butler Swing bag. It is larger then I thought, but a nice size. The strap construction was a bit tricky .

The hat is a mini-hat, probably more likely to be a felted bag then a hat, but I liked the way the left-over Noro Kureyon worked up in the stripes. I also finished the Socks That Rock neck sock. It turned out 60 inches long. None of the photos came out very well as it is so cloudy today.

Now I don't know what to do. I have an email out to Kimberley of the Giving Flower to buy her SockFish pattern. I'm treading water knitting another hat, and have Rogue sleeves to contend with, but nothing is really calling to me yet. I still have disk 6 and 7 of second Season lost to watch and of course there is always house organizing. And oh yikes, time to cook dinner.

It was just one of those days.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Socktober 2006

Originally uploaded by acornbud.
Pattern: Conwy, Nancy Bush, Knitting on the Road
The Knitting: Size 1, two at once, magic loop, Koigu. I started from the sixty stitches after the calf shaping as I wanted a shorter sock.
Comments: Fun pattern and very classic. It has a pointy toe which is different then I'm used to, but I haven't washed them yet.

Finished in time:)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rogue and the Coffee Bean Man

My cousin sent me a link to the The Man in the Coffee Bean Brain Test and I tried it out on several co-workers after personally taking way over 3 minutes to find the man. Only one other person took a while and everyone else was under 3 seconds, and one just spotted him immediately. I am trying to fixate on the fact that the test is unproven rather then that my right brain is broken. But sometimes I wonder.
Case in point. Take Rogue hoodie. I have grafted the top of the hood and after the first try I realized I twisted the last row incorrectly. I decided to redo it. And, there it is! One unruly stitch. The overactive left brain has created guilt! The right brain is saying "whateveh, whateveh", "there is beauty in im-perfections", and "if you frog that one more time, your yarn will fall apart" but the left brain is telling ,me "it just doesn't line up neatly and so everything is ruined!" "Everyone will notice!". "How can you even think to give that as gift when it ain't perfect!!!"

Whew, no wonder I get tired sometimes...all this drama going on. I'm trying to change, honest I am. I like to take a lesson from nature. If I examine these flowers carefully they are not "perfect". There are spots on the leaves and the buds are not uniform. But they are beautiful nonetheless, and unique, like every creation.

And there it is, one of those irrational ideas I have about myself and perfection I just have to let go! Now that I see the coffee bean man, I will never be able to not see him:)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Leia's Family Album

I am thankful to Leia's cousins who allowed me to photograph the Leia hat. I used a little over two skeins of Plymouth Yukon, the only bulky yarn I could find. I ended up casting on 60 stitches instead of the 66. This made for a very warm head cover. May the force be with you!

Socktober socks are at least started in Koigu using Conway from Nancy Bush's Knitting on the Road. I like my socks shorter, so I started after the calf shaping with 60 stitches, and started two with magic loop in hopes of actually finishing two by the end of this month. The color did not photograph well. The ever Fabulous Ms. Lolly interviewed Nancy Bush for the Socktober festivities.

I finished a ChemoHat using Inside out Hat from Head Huggers in Plymouth Oh My. This is a very soft yarn but it shed a lot while I was knitting it and the ends came apart like serger tails do before I finished the hat. I sewed them in so I hope they hold.

The Hawaii International Film Festival starts tomorrow for me. I have tickets to 7 filmings over the next week, but may attend more. I hope to do some knitting in between movies.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Thanks for the comments and emails:)

On Sunday, I was sitting at my computer finishing some work when the house shook and for a brief moment I thought it would never stop. Then the computer shut down and there was an island side black out. My power did not come back on until 1 am the next day. It was inconvenient but I'm so grateful there were no people lives lost. I knit a bit, did some Sudoku, watched Galaxy Quest on my Palm Pilot, read some, and slept.
I appreciate all the comments and emails I recieved. Bloggers are the best!

The next part is sad, so some of you may want to stop here.

My only casualty here was my son's fish. We tried to figure out how old they were. Mr. Manini was about 1/2 inch long and grew to 7 inches. Mr. Aholehole was 3/4 inch and grew to 13.5 inches. He caught them at the beach when he was 8, like so many kids do here, but his fared quite well under his diligent care. He is 22 now. I have not been able to find out how long these fish live. Perhaps in the wild it is shorter due to predators. We are sad. Many times during their stay with us we thought of returning them to the sea, but then, they were used to having regular meals and knew they wouldn't know how to fend for themselves.
Lesson learned: If you have fish, make sure the back up pump is battery operated.

Yesterdays sunset.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Rogue Excuses and woolarina Wonders

Rogue is resting again at the hood level. It is darn hot and muggy here and it's Socktober. A few meager rows happen occasionally if I'm in AC. The plan is to work on it more during November and have it done by December 18. Anyway, that's the plan.
(The color is difficult to photograph)

So far during Socktober I have managed to buy yarn, such as this cushy, colorful Raspberry Bramble woolarina superwash merino and roll up two balls of Koigu for the proposed Socktober creation.

While Totoro and his friends admire the yarn I am still amusing myself with STR "neck sock", and have started a Leia hat, after being amazed by Michelle from Aloha Knitters glow in the dark Hallowig. Hope to get some pictures of that! I want to make one ore Chemo Hat, too.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Rogue Interrupted

A friend came over to make baskets with me. I had not made any for awhile but cleaning out the craft room has resulted in all the supplies being out and available. It's been a while since I made one and I think hers, her first one ever, came out pretty nice. It's the one on the right.

Jen new to blogdom has drummed up the Aloha Knitters to make Chemo Hats. This is my first attempt. It's very purple, but its stuff I had in my stash. It's Sue Thompson's Ringed/Ridged Hat off the Head Hugger's site. My long tail cast one was short 14 stitches so I had to wing the decreases on the top as I was too lazy to frog the cast on. I'm not sure it's appropriate for a chemo hat unless the person is very devoted to purple or maybe a child.

It's muggy, hot, stick to your seat kind of weather today. Too hot to work on Rogue;)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Today's Sky

Driving to Aloha Knitters tonight from work was very inspiring. On the East side, the moon over Olomana was peaceful and idyllic. Looking toward the Pali was a show of clouds and perhaps a jet trail. I'm not sure the streaks are natural, but who knows? On the West side the sunsetting clouds appeared to be moving toward the eye of a maelstrom.

We had a lusty discussion of religion, knitting chemo hats and cow bags. I just know we are on the verge of solving the issue of World Peace:)