Seattle was just beautiful last week. In fact it was downright hot on the last day. It must have something to do with the fact that I was there on business, packed an umbrella, and did not bring the swimsuit or shorts. The flowers growing out of the sidewalks, plantings, and bundles of flowers at Pike Market, the University and Ballard Farmer's markets were beyond wonderful. The poppies and peonies were so glorious as were the fascinating array of colors and shadings of flowers I couldn't identify. The conference was right on the wharf and I got the view of the Cascades and the Olympic Mountains.
On new sight for me was
Gas Works Park(picture from't you know I forgot my camera?)

I would love to go back there and spend some time with the funky old gas works. There is a moon dial at the top of a hill with a panoramic Seattle City view, Space Needle and all as well as Lake Union with it's boats and birds.
I ate at some great restaurants.
Icon Grill,
Lola's, and
The Palace Kitchen" Tom Douglas, the owner of Lola's and The Palace Kitchen was at both places. I resisted running up and getting his autograph. The Palace Kitchen had wonderful food and salads and accommodated me with a side of sauteed fresh morels! Most yummy! The use of all the local fresh produce really made these places unique experiences.

I knit a little on one sock. I was good on the yarn diet, but got some Koigu, 'cuz sock yarn doesn't count. My other purchases included couple books and the smaller size pompom maker.
When I got home, the body of the sock had arrived. Buddy the cat ate a few pieces out of it. I will have to figure out how to fix the holes. The real challenge seems to be the part of the ribbing he ate. I'll have to see if I have any yarn left.

I'm afraid he will just eat the repaired sock. I hope he doesn't have a
bezoarIt was great visiting my old friends. We contemplated the aches and pains of getting older, plotted ways to retire, and other jobs we could do, and reminisced a bit. Ebony has grey hair now but seems just as frisky.
Stop here if you don't want to read something sad.
While I was away I lost my canary, Tweedy. I know I didn't write about losing my Cockatiel a couple months ago as it was sudden and I still have mixed emotions about losing her to egg binding. They were both senior citizens in bird years and brought me much joy in their lives. Tweedy with his lovely singing-how can such a little green body generate so much sound?, and his agile flying about the cage. Cockatiel with her curiosity and kisses. I have a guilty feeling sometimes about birds in cages, but it was the only life they every knew.