1. Cut one each 9.5 x 29.5 inches outside fabric, inside fabric and fleece. Pin together like a sandwich, right sides out.

2. Cut one pocket 6 x 29.5 inches. Make a 1/2 inch narrow hem by pressing 1 inch on a long side, then folding raw edge to pressed line. Sew down. Use a decorative stitch if you wish.

3. Pin flap on inside, matching raw edge of pocket to bottom of sandwich.

Mark you sewing lines from top to bottom. I put two 3.5 inch pocket on each edge to fit my needle gauge, and added other pockets from 1 to 1 3/4 inch wide. Sew these down through all thicknesses. Use a quilting foot if you have one.
4. The top flap is 29 x 5 1/4 inch. Either use one piece twice as tall and fold it in half or two separate fabrics. Round the corners with the handy cd template, trim and clip the curve. Sew 1/4 inch seam along raw edges. Turn right side out and Press. Decorate flap now if you wish.

5. Pin flap opposite pocket. I should be 5/8 inch or so from the raw edges.

6. Center a 36 inch piece of ribbon on the left edge of the outside.

7. Bind the edge. I used self made binding, 2 1/4 inch wide. It does not have to be bias. I like to use a serpentine stitch or serge the edges before turning the binding to compress the edges.

PS: found this great Continuous Quilt-Binding Instruction by Heather Bailey.
I adore that fabric! It made a really cute project. :-)
neat-o! could you bring to aloha knitters for show and tell? thanks for sharing the tutorial.
What a great tutorial! Thanks for taking the time to make it. I made one before but yours looks like so much better quality! I love the snails on your fabric, where'd you get it?
Awesome tutorial! Thanks for sharing :)
Thank you for sharing your technique with us. Now if I could only find my sewing machine...
Wow, how great! Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial! I'm about to inherit my Mom's sewing machine soon and this is a project that I'll certainly try to tackle then! And I totally love the fabric!
Wow, that's a great idea! Cute storage system :)
Thanks SO much!! I'm so glad I found your post. I'm going to the fabric store tomorrow to get some fun fabric to start mine!!
What a great idea! I didn't know you could sew, too. Goodness, you're very talented!
What a wonderful tutorial! Thanks!
And the hedgy looks adorable.
Thanks for the tutorial. Looks fabulous. Always trying to find a good solution for my dpns. Will have to try making one (if I can find fabric as cute as yours)!
From another SOS 2007er :)
Such a wonderful tutorial to help all of us to make one( they ae so pretty!
Great job!! Thanks for the tutorial!
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