Pattern: Central Park Hoodie by Heather Lodinsky from Knitscene, Fall 2006
Yarn: Beaverslide, Charcoal gray
Needles: size 6 and 8
Mods: added pockets after the fronts were done. Elimated the sleeves and added 5 rows of ribbing and and i-cord bind-off. I did the wider band without the button holes and did an i-cord bind-off. The plan is to add a zipper. I also followed jamie12's instructions in the Ravelry CPH KAL group for the less pointy hood and continued the cable to the top.

It still needs blocking. The hood doesn't seem to hang right.
1. Who would have thunk curling would be so exciting. If I only knew what the objectives were.
2. I am almost done with the second go around of Harry Potter, Prisoner of Azkaban.
3. I watched a 1935 movie, Ruggles of Red Gap staring Charles Laughton. He was so young and un-Captain Bligh or hunchback-like. It was a comedy and it even sucked in the Landcaster, who had never heard of Charles Laughton. Sigh.
Attention: whine ahead
4. Nothing like a war with a virus to cast negativity on my psyche. Yesterday I felt a brief moment of hope, but this am the ole noggin feels on the verge of exploding. I've broken down and contacted my doc even though I know there is not much to be done. I feel badly that I had to call in sick. Excuse me while I go put on my hair shirt and self-flagellate some more.