The end of winter on this side of the globe brought out a lot of ambilvalence around blogland. I finished Bpt and really love the Superwash Cascade, but on a cool morning here (72deg) in the uplands of Nuuanu I can put it on for all of about one minute before breaking out in a hot flash.
I had already given up on the Pacific Northwest lace, and rolled the Zephyr up into one giant ball.
Then,I missed a teleconference at work because I mistook PST for Hawaii Time. I make this mistake a lot, I mean, Hawaii is in the Pacific so why does Hawaii have it's own time? I was very lonely in that conference room and the help desk did not enlighten me on the fact that the meeting was already over.
Then I missed a personal appointment. Just totally blew that one.

And then the Cascade Leaves socks acted up. The first one flew by and I loved the pattern, the springy green Koigu, the 5 inch DPs in size 2 (even though I knew size 1 would be better). I got almost to the toe on sock number 2 when I discover I missed one pattern repeat before starting the gusset. So like a good knitter, I frogged back to the spot and knit back, measuring and counting as I went and finished up the pair. I stood back to admire my work, tried them on and carressed them lovingly. It wasn't until I tried them on the second time I noticed that the patterns still do not match up. Sigh. They will be house socks. I love the green anyway.
I was forced to shop. I finally checked out a bright and cheery Aloha Yarns, a lys near where I work. I squeezed the Merino Stripes
Moon is making shrugs out of. In honor of Project Spectrum, I added some green Cascade Fixation for summer socks.

I also got Ann Norling's Spiral Rib Hat pattern.
And, I got up and danced anyway at my cousins wedding.
And I had breakfast with my two sisters visiting from Colorado and Wisconsin with our mother and families.
But of course, tomorrow is Monday....again...meh!