Bartholomew Cubbins
Ribby Cardi is blocking. The Knitpicks Andean Treasure in black bled a lot so I'm glad I decided to wet block it.
After fondling Chris's Ella I started Knitty's Ella in Woolarina wool, yummy and soft to work with. I'm hoping it will encourage me to beat my nemesis and finish a worthy lace project. M is also making one in a rayon blend.

On the homemaking front, I am making a concerted effort to check my pants pockets before putting them in the wash. I will have to extend this to include jacket pockets as well. For the record, post it notes do not wash and dry well. They are now hard to write on and don't stick. At least it wasn't a pen, I say.

Today was a beautiful day, just clouding up a little at dusk making for a wonderful sky.
I finally did it. I officially put in to reduce my working hours to half time starting April 1. It's a bit scary after 26 years, but I think I'm ready to take time to smell the roses. I won't need all those post it notes after all!