Here are 3 Totoro cups. The first is Noritake and has the usual beautiful and intricate designs. I so love the Japanese attention to detail! The second is a mug. I can't remember where I got this one from. Maybe I'll see if my coffee tastes better in it. The last is fan art created by

The latest gray Totoro are helping me write my pattern down. I'm trying to use Excel and used ChemKnit's
tutorial as a starting place. Let me say, my Excel skills are rudimentary at best and I'm in awe of those who can actually make Excel do complex math! It's really an amazing thing, but then I digress. I found two free fonts to try out...
Aire River Knitting Font and David Xenakis
Knitter's symbols. The trick is to have a grid that actually fits the font and double digit numbers and still print out on one page. I tried the trick of zooming the excel page and doing a page capture but the numbers and symbols went all wonky on me. I can tell this is going to be painful and long, lol.

The bigger gray Totoro is a mystery yarn, and I'm not sure it will take to needle felting of the facial features. So for now, he is blind and will only show his back side.
They are sitting in front of 1290 yds. of redwood mix
Ultra Alpaca which I finally wound into cakes. I'm not sure what it will be. I'm feeling pullover with cables for Madrona. Tacoma is chilly in February.