5 Random Thoughts
1. Really, I don't need a $200+ knitting book, even if it is Alice Starmore's Aran Knitting. It's pure indulgence and there are more worthy causes.
2. I think about that 35 year old man who died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. He was a patient assigned to me by the health plan who(m?) I never met. He was single. Who was he? I will not miss worrying about patients at 3 in the morning or on holidays and weekends after I retire but no doubt I will still think about them. I still think about Mr. H from medical school days.
3. I want so much to knit the red Fleece Artist Marina. I just don't think anyone I know, including me will wear a tube scarf.
4. Is there a secret to cooking pancakes? Why do mine cook too fast or too slow, heh. I'll have to get my sister, master pancake maker to share her secrets.
5. I think about all kinds of other hats I might try on in the next chapter of my life...librarian, prison doctor, etsy store keeper, substitute teaching. All dreams so far. I have no experience in retail. I suspect there are a million other jobs I never even heard of. It constantly amazes me at how small my world is.
Hmmm, I just remembered, I gave up thinking for 2008...I'm supposed to be living in the NOW. So much for resolutions. But then again, maybe random thoughts are not the same as thinking. I think I'll just let the mystery be.