Pattern: Cider Moon, Lillehammer
Yarn: Cascade 220 scraps and left over peacock Paton's Classic Merino
Needles: Size 5 circular/DPs
The Feral Knitter suggested I try holding both colors of yarn in my left hand when I complained about what a poor thrower I was so I watched a couple of you tube videos and off I went. This method of fer-alling suits me better:) Thanks Janine!
I had difficulty with the first row so I used a different method for it, doing one color at time. I was thinking this made the first row curl, but after reading about it discovered this is faq! A twisted German cast on was suggested, so I watched the you tube of this and will have to try it next time around.
I ran out of cream at the top and substituted peacock and so I have a big blob of it on top. It is a bit habit forming, but hard on my hands for now. I'm sure to run out of the peacock classic merino soon, but maybe there is enough for a Totoro:)
Wow, that looks really nice! I love using the German cast-on for anything that needs a stretchy edge, and it's not as sloppy looking as the regular long-tail. Definitely worth learning, in my opinion!
Gorgeous hat .. .
You hat is just beautiful! Thanks for the link to the knitting vid; she sure makes it look easy...but I'm sure it takes a little bit of practice. I'm inspired...
Beautiful! I really like the extra bit of peacock on top.
That's actually a cast-on I didn't know, so THANK YOU.
The tension looks perfect and the hat is just beautiful!
Your hat looks great. Wonderful choice of colors.
The twisted German cast-on is great. I started using it last year and now I use a combination cast-on for ribbing. You just alternate between the long-tail cast-on and twisted German cast-on.
Wow what a gorgeous hat. Thanks so much for the link. I just printed the pattern for a future project. It's so lovely!
What a beautiful hat---perfection! And I like the colors you used. Thank you for the link; I'm going to try that sometime.
I just discovered your blog, but I'm gonna have to add it to my favs list. It's not often I find a blog that has almost all of my favorite things, food and crafts! :) Yay for you!
your lilli is amazing! I also love the squid knit.
This is so marvelous! Thank you for the link too!
I just found your blog and I am delighted! What wonderful stuff you make!!! I'll be back! ;-)
This hat is simply delicious!
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