Pattern: Gaia Shoulder Hug by Ann Carroll Gilmour.
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden sock, Colorway S252, 1.78 balls.
Needles: Size *, Knit Picks Options
Comments: I did the picot bind off. This was the perfect project for my trip. The pattern is very easy to follow and the knitting was conducive to car knitting, and conversation.
In addition, since I was forced to look for a second ball of yarn, it enabled me to search out yarn shops on my trip. I found it at The Acorn Street Shop in Seattle. This was quite a cute little shop and well supplied. I was tempted by the Zephyr...but resisted!
Which leads me to the shops. My non-knitting friends lovingly enabled me to enhance my stash.
In Anacortes, I stumbled across Ana Cross Stitch as mentioned in a previous post. The ladies in the shop were all so nice and friendly. I got a cute cardigan pattern for a toddler. I'm thinking pink for Chris's Think Pink KAL.
While staying in downtown Seattle at the very convenient (to Pike's Market) Warwick Hotel, I was able to walk to So Much Yarn.. This was a small shop with a very welcoming classroom and staff, and a nice button stash.

I wanted to visit Little Knits, but will have to save this for the next trip. I definitely wanted to go to Weaving Works again.

I wish I had taken a picture of the coat I saw at Coupeville Yarns. It was knit of Samoyed dog hair. No doubt she saw me smell it, heh, no dog smell. It was a full 3/4 length entrelac or perhaps modular coat for a statuesque women who assured me that it did not shed. Someone else had spun and died all the hair. It was quite an inspiring piece of work. She also had the cutes gnomes around the shop which she said her knitting group had shared.
There was cute little shop in LaConner, that I was pressed for time to see. I did manage to pick up some cutest sheep and strawberry buttons.

I am so lucky to have friends who enabled me to see so many lovely yarn shops. Each of the ones I visited was a little unique and the people I met were so friendly and helpful...such pleasant memories!