The Turkish String Bag is putting up a fight. I've had to frog it a couple of times. I'm using double yarn and every once and while I catch only one yarn. I have found it impossible to pick up any dropped stitches. I don't think I have enough yarn, either.
I picked up some cheap acrylic yarn that is varigated pink. I keep asking my self why. I found a machine knit shrug that is made with vaigated pink yarn, and when I saw it at Savers, I thought, what the heck. Well, I really can't see myself or anyone else for that matter wearing this yarn. It looks like candy.
I am distracted by my upcoming long vacation and trip to the Mainland. I have to tie up all the loose ends at work and clean house a bit before I go.
I am comfort buying. It's a disease. Somebody shoot me please ;)