The latest Totoro is posing with my son's flowers. He ruptured his appendix on Saturday and just came home yesterday. People from work sent him this lovely candy bouquet. I being the mom worried and lost sleep and I'm so grateful he is smiling and joking around again. Totoro is smiling, too...I think he ate all the candy, yummy dark, Nestle's chocolate.

Needless to say, the knitting and blogging took a back seat to the real life drama. I found knitting with Noro in this repeat Diagonal Scarf from Acorn Street pattern, made me happy as the different colors bloomed. These two balls were nothing like each other, and the end result was quite different then the first Diagonal Scarf I made.

I managed a cozy for my humongous mp3 player out of the handspun-hand-dyed mohair from Kai. I started the bottom like a toe up sock and made an attached icord at the top. I tried making a Kumihimo cord but the mohair would not hold up the bobbins and kept breaking, so now I have to decide on a cord. I like the way the oranges turned out.
And here it is, on the verge of December. 25 Days:) Thanks everyone for your well-wishes.